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Vicki Smith
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Buying or selling a home can be an overwhelming task. With a great deal of dedication, enthusiasm, understanding. and ... see full details and contact information for Vicki ... make this a positive and stress-free experience for you and your family.
This realtor has 9 recent and active property listings that range in price from $175,000 to $369,000.
Serving the areas of Cimarron, Spearville, Minneola, Bucklin, Jetmore, Wright & Dodge City
Tobias (Toby) Stutzman Alc
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Broker Associate / ALC / Accredited Land Consultant / Realtors Land Institute
Tobias (Toby) Stutzman is a Broker / Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) with the Realtors Land Institute Stutzman Realty & ... see full details and contact information for Tobias ... Southwest Kansas, where he and his wife Amanda enjoy raising their family.
Tobias has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $111,111 to $600,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-19 for $3,596,000.
Serving the areas of Silver Lake, Lakin, Gate, Copeland, Chase, Denison, Harper, Satanta, Bushton & Olathe
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Kyle Mcdonald
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Kyle McDonald currently resides in Hutchinson, Kansas with his wife and two children. Kyle cultivated his passion for the ... see full details and contact information for Kyle ... provide exceptional service and expertise both before and after the sale.
This realtor has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $169,600 to $344,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-29.
Serving the areas of Spivey, Eureka, Columbus, Ensign, Larned, Wellington, Milan, Nickerson, Lehigh & Burns
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Brian Delzeit
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Born & raised in Dodge City. Attended Dodge City Community College & St. Mary of the Plains College. Served in the Army as ... see full details and contact information for Brian ... 2012 & again in 2017; even had the honor to serve a 1-year term as Mayor.
Brian has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Minneola, Wright, Garden City, Cimarron, Montezuma, Spearville & Dodge City
Jeffrey Nelson
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Let's get Moving!
I represent Buyers, Sellers, and New Beginnings. I believe in providing exceptional customer service well beyond my agent ... see full details and contact information for Jeffrey ... and beyond. Lets get moving! Jeff Nelson Realtor Agent 913.940.1233
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Kechi, Fall River, Lecompton, Walker, Englewood, Frontenac, Minneapolis, Levant, Ellinwood & North Newton
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Advantages of home ownership in Emporia, Kansas may include:

1. Stable housing costs: As a homeowner in Emporia, you can have a more predictable housing cost over the long term compared to renting which is subject to annual rent increases.

2. Pride of ownership: Owning a home can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment. It also allows homeowners to customize and personalize their home as desired.

3. Building equity: Each mortgage payment a homeowner makes goes towards paying off their home loan and increasing their equity in their property. Over time, this can translate into a valuable asset.

4. Tax benefits: Homeowners may qualify for tax deductions on mortgage interest and property taxes.

Disadvantages of home ownership in Emporia, Kansas may include:

1. Maintenance costs: As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining your property, which can be costly and time-consuming.

2. Market risk: Home values can be impacted by local economic conditions, the real estate market, and other factors outside of a homeowner's control.

3. Limited flexibility: Homeownership can limit your flexibility to move or relocate quickly, depending on market conditions.

4. Financing risk: Obtaining a mortgage and making mortgage payments can be more complex than renting and comes with the risk of foreclosure if payments are not made.