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Wilmore, Kansas
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Kyle Mcdonald
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Kyle McDonald currently resides in Hutchinson, Kansas with his wife and two children. Kyle cultivated his passion for the ... see full details and contact information for Kyle ... provide exceptional service and expertise both before and after the sale.
This realtor has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $169,600 to $344,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-29.
Serving the areas of WaKeeney, Durham, Belle Plaine, Attica, Bushton, Elk City, Bazine, Junction City, Sharon Springs & Sublette
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Jeffrey Nelson
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Let's get Moving!
I represent Buyers, Sellers, and New Beginnings. I believe in providing exceptional customer service well beyond my agent ... see full details and contact information for Jeffrey ... and beyond. Lets get moving! Jeff Nelson Realtor Agent 913.940.1233
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Independence, Bern, Glen Elder, Bremen, Buhler, Admire, Waterville, McLouth, Arlington & Ford
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There are several benefits of homeownership in the village of Enterprise, Kansas, including:

1. Building equity: As a homeowner, you build equity over time as the value of your home appreciates. This equity can be used as collateral for loans or as a source of funds for large expenses.

2. Stable housing costs: With a fixed-rate mortgage, your housing costs will remain stable over time, unlike renters who may face rent increases at the end of their lease term.

3. Tax benefits: Homeowners in Enterprise, Kansas can enjoy several tax benefits, including mortgage interest deductions and property tax deductions.

4. Sense of belonging: Owning a home in a small village like Enterprise can provide a sense of belonging and community, as well as the opportunity to make lasting connections with neighbors and local business owners.

5. Lifestyle choices: Homeownership allows for more control over your living arrangements, such as interior decor or landscaping, and the flexibility to make changes to your home to accommodate your lifestyle choices.