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Haley A. Kramer
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"Unlock your happy!"
With my passion for real estate and my home state of Kansas, I look forward to working hard to make your real estate process ... see full details and contact information for Haley ... beginning to the end, I will assist you with all your real estate needs.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-06-21.
Serving the areas of Herington, Council Grove, Milford, Chapman, Dwight, Alta Vista, Ogden, White City & Nebraska City
Jeffrey Nelson
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Let's get Moving!
I represent Buyers, Sellers, and New Beginnings. I believe in providing exceptional customer service well beyond my agent ... see full details and contact information for Jeffrey ... and beyond. Lets get moving! Jeff Nelson Realtor Agent 913.940.1233
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Serving the areas of Argonia, Leoti, Atchison, Leonardville, Bogue, Independence, Grinnell, Pawnee Rock, La Cygne & Piqua
Missy Blacketer
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Keller Williams Realty Hometown

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Serving the areas of Chapman, Junction City, Clay Center, Abilene, Milford & Herington
Steven Burch
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As a lifelong resident of Junction City, I have been very involved in our community. Some of my past involvement includes: ... see full details and contact information for Steven ... forward to assisting you and your referral with the next step in life!
Steven has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2022-11-21.
Serving the areas of Chapman, Fort Riley, Wakefield, Herington, Milford & Junction City
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Here are some potential pros and cons of buying property in Herington, Kansas:

- Affordability: Herington's cost of living and real estate prices are generally lower than many other parts of the United States.
- Small town charm: If you enjoy living in a tight-knit community where everyone knows your name, Herington's small population of around 2,300 people could be a good fit for you.
- Outdoor recreation: Herington is within close proximity of several lakes and parks, including the beautiful historic Eisenhower State Park, making it a great place for outdoor enthusiasts.

- Limited amenities: While Herington does have a few local businesses, residents may need to travel to nearby towns for their shopping, medical, entertainment, and education needs.
- Economic struggles: Herington has experienced some economic struggles in recent years, and job opportunities may be limited.
- Extreme weather: Like much of the Midwest, Herington is susceptible to extreme weather conditions, including tornadoes, strong winds, and winter storms.

Overall, whether Herington is a good place to buy property depends on your individual preferences and priorities. It may be a great fit if you're looking for affordability, tight-knit communities, and outdoor recreation, but less so if you require more extensive amenities or job opportunities.