*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Lenexa ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Linwood, KS. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Kansas in Johnson County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
63 active listings near Lenexa
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$8,700,000    22939 W 83rd St
$6,963,000    9100 Cedar Niles Rd
$4,388,000    9100 Cedar Niles Rd
$2,900,000    9140 Hedge Lane Ter
$2,575,000    9100 Cedar Niles Rd
$950,000   * 26213 W 96th Ter
$925,000   * 25656 W 97th St
$799,000    22437 W 87th Ter
$799,000    8928 Greeley St
$799,000    22599 W 87th Ter
$760,000    22614 W 87th Ter
$750,000   * 7601 Houston St
$750,000    7665 Monticello Rd
$695,000   * 25913 W 96th St
$690,000    9285 Barth Rd
$679,000    9736 Shady Bend Cir
$635,000   * 9145 Gander St
$624,500   * 22635 W 89th St
$610,000   * 24907 W 91st Ter
$609,999   * 9073 Mesquite St
$599,900   * 7703 Green St
$599,000    7128 Meadowsweet Ln
$579,900    23729 W 92nd Ter
$575,000   * 25002 W 86th St
$545,000    9540 Shady Bend Rd
$540,000   * 24908 W 86th St
$530,000   * 7921 Apache Rd
$525,000   * 23606 W 92nd St
$525,000    9849 Garden St
$525,000   * 23614 W 89th Ter
$509,950   * 23529 W 74th Ter
$478,200    22309 W 76th St
$440,000    7130 Houston St
$429,000   * 7559 Belmont Dr
$394,900   * 7138 Meadow View St
$390,000   * 24315 W 83rd St
$365,000   * 23114 W 71st Ter
$299,500   * 7608 McCoy St
$275,000   * 22607 W 73rd St
$250,000   * 22007 W 71st Ter
$111,100    22657 W 87th Ter
$111,100    22668 88th Ter
$67,500    27736 W 85th Ter

Interested in fun facts and the history of Lenexa, KS?
Then read on!

Lenexa, Kansas is a vibrant suburb of the Kansas City metropolitan area. It has many parks and green spaces, as well as a growing business community. Lenexa is known for its annual Great Lenexa BBQ Battle, which attracts thousands of visitors each year. Additionally, Lenexa is home to the Lenexa Spinach Festival, which celebrates the city's history as a center for spinach production in the early 20th century. Overall, Lenexa is a great place for families and individuals looking for a suburban community with a strong sense of community and culture.