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Marysville, Kansas
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Black Squirrel Capital

Kyle Mcdonald
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Kyle McDonald currently resides in Hutchinson, Kansas with his wife and two children. Kyle cultivated his passion for the ... see full details and contact information for Kyle ... provide exceptional service and expertise both before and after the sale.
This realtor has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $169,600 to $344,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-29.
Serving the areas of Junction City, Schoenchen, Iola, Minneola, Yates Center, Manhattan, Lehigh, Isabel, Winfield & Osborne
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Jeffrey Nelson
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Let's get Moving!
I represent Buyers, Sellers, and New Beginnings. I believe in providing exceptional customer service well beyond my agent ... see full details and contact information for Jeffrey ... and beyond. Lets get moving! Jeff Nelson Realtor Agent 913.940.1233
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Goessel, Ness City, Abbyville, Greensburg, Herington, Mayfield, Lenexa, Norton & Paradise
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Sharon Springs is a small, rural community, and purchasing real estate there can offer several benefits such as:

1. Affordability: The cost of living in Sharon Springs is lower than the national average, making real estate more affordable.

2. Peaceful living: The small-town feel of Sharon Springs provides a peaceful living environment, away from the noise and chaos of a large city.

3. Scenic beauty: The village is located in the heart of America's Great Plains, providing an opportunity to enjoy some of the country's most beautiful and pristine landscapes.

4. Strong sense of community: Small towns often boast tight-knit communities, and Sharon Springs is no exception. You can expect friendly neighbors and a welcoming environment.

5. Investment potential: With the right investment strategy, purchasing real estate in Sharon Springs can offer good ROI, especially if the property is rented out.