USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Kansas in Rooks County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
Official State Seal
6 active listings near Stockton
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$270,000   👍 H Rd
$192,000   👍 814 N 1st St
$172,000   👍 103 N 4th St
$98,000   👍 614 N 1st St
$55,000   👍 721 S 1st St
$34,900   👍 507 S Cedar St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Stockton, KS?
Then read on!

Stockton is a small village located in Rooks County, Kansas. According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Stockton was around 1,200 in 2010. The village is situated along the Solomon River and offers beautiful views of the rolling hills and prairie lands of Kansas.

Stockton is known for its rich agricultural heritage, with farming and ranching playing a significant role in the local economy. The village also has a strong sense of community, with several annual events and festivals that bring residents together. These events include the Stockton PRCA Rodeo, the Solomon Valley Cruise In, and the Stockton Farmers Market.

In terms of attractions, Stockton is home to several parks and recreational areas, including Webster Reservoir, which offers fishing, boating, and camping opportunities. The village also has several historic sites, including the C&R Railroad Museum and the Old City Jail, which offer a glimpse into the area's past.

All in all, Stockton is a friendly and welcoming community with a rich history and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy.