USDA Geographic Eligibility Statistics for Kentucky Postal Zip Code 40272

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3.8% of Kentucky is ineligible for rural development USDA home loans.
Postal code 40272 is used by homes and businesses in and around Louisville, Kentucky, and covers 96.3 square kilometers. About 92.7 square kilometers of this postal code falls within a USDA exclusion zone. By percentage, about 96.3% of zip code area 40272 is ineligible for rural development USDA home loans. can help you determine precisely what properties are inside USDA loan eligibility boundaries.
Contact realtors Realtors in Louisville familiar with this area. For high resolution boundaries click the map icon to zoom in on postal (zip) code 40272 Zipcode 40272 USDA loan eligibility boundaries  40272 QR code

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Interested in some fun facts and history about Louisville, KY?
Read on!

One historical event that took place around Louisville, Kentucky would be the Battle of Perryville in October 1862. This was a major battle during the American Civil War and happened about 90 miles south of Louisville. Union and Confederate troops fought in the rolling hills of central Kentucky, resulting in over 7,500 casualties. While the Confederate army claimed victory, they were heavily outnumbered and forced to withdraw back to Tennessee. The Battle of Perryville marked a turning point in the war, securing Kentucky as a Union state and preventing the Confederacy from advancing northward.

Direct Kentucky USDA Program Administration Contact Information
Kentucky USDA Rural Development State Office
771 Corporate Drive, Suite 200
Lexington, KY 40503

State Director's Office -- 859-224-7300
Business-Cooperative Programs -- 859-224-7435
Community Facilities -- 859-224-7336
Multi-Family Housing -- 859-224-7357
Single-Family Housing -- 859-224-7322
Public Affairs -- 859-224-7695
Featured Property from USDA Loan Eligible Regions of Kentucky
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611 Tennessee Short Cut Rd
Albany, KY

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