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Great Aspects:

1. Belle Rose is a great place to live if you're looking for a small-town atmosphere with plenty of outdoor activities. The town is situated along the Bayou Lafourche and boasts a variety of outdoor activities like fishing, swimming, and boating.

2. Belle Rose is also home to many local attractions and events, such as the annual Catfish Festival and the 4th of July Parade. There are plenty of local shops and restaurants to explore, as well as some great museums and art galleries.

Unappealing Thing:

The weather in Belle Rose can be quite extreme. Summers are extremely hot and humid, while winters can be cold and wet. This can make it difficult to stay comfortable during certain times of the year.

Cecilia Acosta
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Keeping it Real Estate
As a passionate and driven realtor, I approach real estate with a sharp eye for market trends and a deep understanding of ... see full details and contact information for Cecilia ... dreams into reality. Contact me today for a personalized consultation.
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Serving the areas of Erwinville, Wilson, White Castle, Thibodaux, Walker, Pine Grove, Amite City, Pointe a la Hache, Gretna & Husser
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James Macdonald
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"Your Friend in Real Estate"

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James has 1 active or recent property listings for $90,000.
Serving the areas of Belle Rose, Sorrento, Napoleonville, Addis, Prairieville, Saint Amant, Gonzales, Plaquemine, Paincourtville & Port Allen
Brandy Moon
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Serving the areas of Galliano, Vacherie, Chauvin, Houma, Belle Rose, Theriot, Amelia, Mathews, Gray & Golden Meadow
Brooks Wallace
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Real Estate Express

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Serving the areas of Bourg, Galliano, Cut Off, Mathews, Garden City, Charenton, Montegut, Houma, Pierre Part & Plattenville
Jennifer Davis
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Real Estate Express

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Serving the areas of Berwick, Paincourtville, Vacherie, Theriot, Plattenville, Cut Off, Houma, Amelia, Baldwin & Labadieville
Melissa Moran
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Serving the areas of Thibodaux, Raceland, Houma, Galliano, Bourg, Amelia, Vacherie, Baldwin, Golden Meadow & Centerville
Nick Daigle
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Fathom Realty LA, LLC

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Serving the areas of Paincourtville, Labadieville, Larose, Dulac, Belle Rose, Galliano, Donner, Gheens, Bourg & Gray
Shenel Smith
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Serving the areas of Theriot, Berwick, Schriever, Centerville, Garden City, Gheens, Galliano, Chauvin, Montegut & Charenton
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Official State Seal

Pros of home ownership in Belle Rose, Louisiana:

1. Affordable real estate: The average home price in Belle Rose is lower than the national average, which makes it an attractive option for those looking to purchase a home without breaking the bank.

2. Small-town charm: Belle Rose's small size gives it a charming, tight-knit community feel. Residents enjoy a slower pace of life and strong community bonds.

3. Good climate: Belle Rose is located in a region that experiences mild winters and warm summers, which is perfect for outdoor activities and enjoying the great outdoors.

Cons of home ownership in Belle Rose, Louisiana:

1. Natural disasters: Belle Rose is located in an area that is at risk for hurricanes, tropical storms, and flooding. This means that homeowners may need to invest in additional insurance coverage to protect their property.

2. Limited job opportunities: Belle Rose is a small village, and as such, there are limited job opportunities in the area. Residents may need to commute to nearby towns or cities for work.

3. Limited amenities: While Belle Rose does have basic necessities such as groceries and gas, there is limited access to additional amenities such as shopping malls or high-end dining.