*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Gibsland ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Dubberly, LA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

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, Louisiana in Bienville County

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1 active listings near Gibsland
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Interested in fun facts and the history of Gibsland, LA?
Then read on!

Here are a few facts about Gibsland, Louisiana:

1. Gibsland is a small village located in the northwestern corner of Louisiana.

2. It was originally settled in the early 1800s and was named for its founder, Alexander Gibs.

3. The village has a population of just over 900 people, according to the most recent census.

4. The town is known for its role in the infamous 1934 ambush of the notorious criminals Bonnie and Clyde, who were killed by law enforcement officers just outside of town.

5. Today, Gibsland is a quiet, rural community with a few local businesses, including a general store, a gas station, and a few restaurants.

6. The village is surrounded by beautiful countryside and is popular among hunters and fishermen, who come to the area to take advantage of the abundant wildlife and natural resources.