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Warrior Wiggins
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Goodwood Realty

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Serving the areas of Zachary, Prairieville, Denham Springs, Baker & Port Allen
Alvin Cain
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"Buying, Selling, Inquiring?" Call Alvin Cain
A thirst for challenge, a perpetual desire for growth, an investment in life-long learning and a commitment that goes beyond ... see full details and contact information for Alvin ... any, and all of your needs. Call me today, and you will be glad you did.
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Serving the areas of Baton Rouge, Livingston, Baker & Denham Springs
Anaiah Davis-Francis
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Where Exquisite Business meets Divine Service
Anaiah has a passion for helping others win. She entered the Real Estate world in order to help others know the joys of home ... see full details and contact information for Anaiah ... or ~s:// or email @gmailwww
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Serving the areas of Innis, Maringouin, Livonia, Lottie, Prairieville, Oscar, Zachary, Jarreau, Watson & Baton Rouge
Bryant Cheely
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Nai/Latter & Blum Commercial Baton Rouge

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Serving the areas of Addis, Greenwell Springs, Pride, Walker, Donaldsonville, Albany, Saint Amant, Geismar & Denham Springs
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Official State Seal

Maringouin is a small village with a population of approximately 1,100 people.

Advantages of purchasing real estate in Maringouin, Louisiana may include:

1. Lower cost of living: The cost of living in Louisiana is below the national average, which means that the cost of housing in Maringouin may be comparatively lower than other areas.

2. Quiet, rural lifestyle: Maringouin is a small, rural village, which may appeal to people looking for a quiet, laid-back lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

3. Natural beauty: Maringouin is located in the heart of Louisiana's Cajun Country, home to a rich culture and beautiful landscapes. The village itself is situated on the banks of the Bayou Grosse Tete, offering scenic views of the surrounding wetlands.

Disadvantages of purchasing real estate in Maringouin, Louisiana may include:

1. Limited job opportunities: Being a small village, Maringouin may have limited job opportunities for residents. Those looking for work may need to commute to larger nearby cities, like Baton Rouge.

2. Potential for extreme weather: Louisiana is prone to hurricanes and severe weather events, which could potentially damage property in the area.

3. Limited amenities: As a small village, Maringouin may have limited amenities compared to larger cities, including shopping, dining, and entertainment options.

It is important to thoroughly research and consider all factors before making a decision to purchase real estate in Maringouin or any other area.