*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Brockton ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Easton, MA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Massachusetts in Plymouth County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
City motto: City of Champions
44 active listings near Brockton
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$975,000    5 Farrington St
$949,900    199 Spring St
$949,017    335 Linwood St
$839,900    10 Day Ave
$825,000   * 11 Track St
$799,000   * 16 Somerset Pl
$795,500   * 122 French Ave
$779,900   * 172 Forest Ave
$779,900    480 W Elm St
$749,900    417 Belmont St
$739,999    232 Pleasant St
$699,900   * 23 Roberta Ave
$659,900   * 33 Doris Ave
$659,900   * 634 Montello St
$659,900   * 634 Montrello
$589,000    21 Hamilton St
$579,900   * 1295 Pleasant St
$579,000   * 1055 Ash St
$570,000   * 34 Winthrop St
$570,000    386 Pleasant St
$564,900    66 Copeland St
$559,000    13-15 Willow St
$549,900    18 Wilson St
$539,999    439 Moraine St
$509,900    112 Laureston St
$499,995    97 Laureston St
$499,900    119 Magoun Ave
$499,000   * 839 Pearl St
$485,000    24 Lorrie Ave
$475,000   * 50 Woodbine St
$464,900   * 33 Mellen St
$450,000   * 228 Hillberg Ave
$410,000    17 Cherry St
$379,900    116 Richmond St
$374,900    17 Chamberlain Ct
$299,900    685 Oak St Unit 25-10
$274,900    103 Oak Ln Apt 4
$269,000   * 100 Oak Ln Apt 1
$249,900   * 108 Oak Ln Apt 1
$243,999   * 10 Longworth Ave Unit 10
$240,000    685 Oak St Unit 22-8
$225,000    108 Oak Ln Apt 8
$219,000    7 Main St Apt 204

Interested in fun facts and the history of Brockton, MA?
Then read on!

Brockton, Massachusetts is known as the "City of Champions" due to its rich tradition of producing boxing champions, including Rocky Marciano, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, and Willie Pep. The city also has a diverse population, with a history of Irish, Italian, and Cape Verdean communities. It is home to the Brockton High School's "Boxer" mascot and hosts an annual parade and festival called "Boxing Day". Additionally, the city is well-known for its shoe manufacturing history, with many shoe factories operating in Brockton throughout the 20th century.