USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Massachusetts in Worcester County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
17 active listings near Rutland
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$649,000   👍 204 Barre Paxton Rd
$649,000   👍 204 Barre Paxton Rd
$599,900   👍* 261 Pommogussett Rd
$499,999   👍* 272 Maple Ave
$499,900   👍 Glenwood Rd Lot 2
$489,900   👍* 14 Sycamore Dr
$400,000   👍* 43 Pommogussett Rd
$400,000   👍 95 Maple Ave
$399,900   👍 141 E County Rd
$399,900   👍 141 E County Rd
$379,900   👍 151 E County Rd
$379,900   👍 151 E County Rd
$374,900   👍 289 Main St
$179,000   👍* 176 Maple Ave Apt 2-03
$119,900   👍 1 E County Rd
$50,000   👍 1 Hope Way
$20,000   👍* Kosta Ave

Interested in fun facts and the history of Rutland, MA?
Then read on!

A fun and verifiable fact about the town of Rutland, Massachusetts is that it is home to the Central Tree Middle School, which has a unique claim to fame as the birthplace of the game of "Speedball." This fast-paced game, which combines elements of soccer, basketball, and hockey, was invented by physical education teacher Elmer Mitchell at Central Tree Middle School in the early 1900s. The game has since spread to schools and recreation programs across the country, and Mitchell's legacy as the creator of a beloved and enduring sport is commemorated with a historical marker on the school's grounds.