*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Worcester ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Leicester, MA. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Massachusetts in Worcester County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
City of Seven Hills
34 active listings near Worcester
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$798,000   * 14 Northampton St
$785,000    137-A Eastern Ave
$690,000   * 27 Rodney St
$690,000    17 Barnard Rd
$656,500    9 Moen St
$625,000   * 37 Kenwood Ave
$599,000    11 Indian Lake Pkwy
$579,000    6 Gaylord St
$575,000   * 692 Grove St
$575,000   * 692 Grove St
$558,000   * 108 Eastern Ave
$534,900    187 Chester St
$499,900    26 McKinley Rd
$450,000   * 120 Andrews Ave
$450,000   * 107 Green Hill Pkwy
$434,900    121 Burncoat St
$409,900   * 209 Lincoln St Unit 2
$399,900   * 9 Homer Wheaton St
$399,900   * 17 Elliot St
$379,900   * 14 Topsfield Rd
$349,900   * 209 Lincoln St Unit 1
$330,000   * 39 Shelby St Unit 1
$324,900   * 42 Wigwam Hill Dr
$275,000    67 Everard St
$250,000    2 Gage St
$249,000   * 56 Edgeworth St Unit 22
$209,900    59 Everard St Apt 2
$209,000    59 Everard St Apt 1
$208,000    29 Nome St
$200,000    114 Lincoln St
$199,900    59 Everard St Apt 3
$150,000    2 Barnstable Rd
$79,000    1 Blodgett Pl

Interested in fun facts and the history of Worcester, MA?
Then read on!

Worcester, Massachusetts is home to many historical events and landmarks. One notable event was the Worcester Revolution of 1774, also known as the "Worcester Revolution of the Massachusetts Bay Colony". This rebellion took place in response to the British Parliament's passage of a series of laws that severely limited the colonists' liberties and imposed taxes without their consent. On August 26, 1774, a large group of colonists assembled in Worcester to protest against these laws, and they successfully prevented the royal governor from leaving the city. This event played a significant role in fueling the American Revolution and inspiring other colonies to resist British rule. Today, Worcester is a thriving city known for its cultural institutions, universities and diverse population.