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Home of the First Iron Rail

Frank Willetts
Agent Photo

Long & Foster Cumberland

Office address:
138 N Mechanic St
Cumberland, MD

Frank has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $175,000 to $450,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-01 for $375,000.
Serving the areas of Barton, Keyser, Westernport, Spring Gap, Midland, Pinto, Frostburg, Springfield, Rawlings & Flintstone
David Meyer
Agent Photo

My Job is to serve you
1 Real Estate Source Llc

Office address:

David Meyer has 1 active or recent property listings for $859,900 with the most recent sale on 2024-04-17 for $827,500.
Serving the areas of Corriganville, Midland, Grantsville, Flintstone, Luke, Westernport, Accident, Ellerslie, Kitzmiller & Rawlings
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Official State Seal

Mount Savage, Maryland is a peaceful small town that is known for its rich history and beautiful scenery. Here are a few potential benefits of purchasing real estate in this village:

1. Lower cost of living: Compared to other cities in Maryland, the cost of living in Mount Savage is relatively low. This means that you may be able to purchase a larger property or save money on daily expenses.

2. Natural Beauty: Mount Savage is located in Allegany County, which is known for its breathtaking beauty. The village is surrounded by mountains, forests, and rivers, making it an ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts.

3. Historic Charm: Mount Savage has a rich history and many historic buildings, including the Mount Savage Railroad Station, which is now a museum. Living in a historic village can be a unique and charming experience.

4. Community Spirit: Mount Savage has a tight-knit community that is passionate about preserving the town's history and supporting local businesses. You'll have the opportunity to get involved and build relationships with your neighbors.

Of course, the specific benefits of purchasing real estate in Mount Savage will depend on your personal preferences and situation.