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Steven Shelton
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As an Agent in the Hancock and Washington County area, I work very hard to stay on top of current market conditions and ... see full details and contact information for Steven ... and sellers together for a mutually satisfying real estate experience.
Steven has 16 recent and active property listings that range in price from $95,000 to $7,400,000.
Serving the areas of Swans Island, Bar Harbor, Orono, Hancock, Bass Harbor, Mount Desert, Brooksville & Franklin
Laurie Smallidge
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I had been with Acadia Realty Group Since December of 2016 and became part of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The ... see full details and contact information for Laurie ... in reaching your real estate goals as if they are my own. Give me a call!
Laurie has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $195,000 to $260,000.
Serving the areas of Steuben, Penobscot, Franklin, Corea, Castine, Sullivan, Jonesport & Blue Hill
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Pros of home ownership in the village of Addison, Maine:

1. Natural beauty - The village is located in a scenic area with beautiful natural landscapes, forests, and coastline.
2. Close-knit community - Addison has a small and active community that is friendly and welcoming.
3. Lower cost of living - Compared to urban areas, Addison has a lower cost of living which makes it possible to buy a home for a lower price.
4. Potential rental income - If you buy a home in Addison, you can potentially rent out part of it or the entire home, which could generate rental income.

Cons of home ownership in the village of Addison, Maine:

1. Seasonal tourist destination - Addison is a seasonal tourist destination, meaning the local economy may fluctuate in a dependence from the seasonal volume of tourism.
2. Limited job opportunities- The village is small, with limited job opportunities. Residents may need to commute to nearby towns for work.
3. Risk of natural disaster - As a coastal town, Addison may be at risk of natural disasters such as hurricanes, heavy rains, and flooding.
4. Harsh winters - Maine has very cold and snowy winters, which can be a disadvantage for some.