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Robert Bird
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Local expert. Globally connected!
I am a true Maine native. My family has expanded from Lubec to Camden, Rockland to Boothbay Harbor areas for almost two ... see full details and contact information for Robert ... trust beside them guiding them. I am just that person! Contact me today!
Robert has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $34,900 to $665,000.
Serving the areas of Rockport, Warren, Southport, Waldoboro, Owls Head, Boothbay Harbor, Tenants Harbor, Lincolnville & Spruce Head
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Advantages of home ownership in Bremen, Maine:

1. Stable housing costs: When you own a home, you have the advantage of predictable housing costs. Your monthly mortgage payment remains stable, while renters may face rent increases at the end of each lease.

2. Building equity: Homeowners build equity as they pay down the mortgage, allowing them to borrow against the home later or sell for a profit.

3. Tax benefits: Homeowners may deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on their federal income taxes, potentially reducing their tax liability.

4. Control over the property: Homeowners have greater freedom to make changes to their home as they wish.

Disadvantages of home ownership in Bremen, Maine:

1. Expenses: Homeowners are responsible for all costs associated with their homes, including maintenance, repairs, property taxes, homeowner's insurance, utilities, and other expenses.

2. Limited mobility: Homeowners may find it more difficult to move to a new location, as they must sell their current home before purchasing a new one.

3. Market fluctuations: Homeownership is subject to market conditions, and home values may decrease, leaving homeowners with less equity in their property.

4. Financial risk: Homeownership carries significant financial risk, and homeowners may face foreclosure if they become unable to make mortgage payments.