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Sally Arsenault
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I have been with Riverside Realty for four years and specialize in residential and multi-unit sales. I am a life long ... see full details and contact information for Sally ... (207)357-0120. I am eagerly waiting to serve all your real estate needs!
Sally has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $79,900 to $250,000.
Serving the areas of Andover, Canton, Peru, Rumford, Mexico, Roxbury & Dixfield
Wendy Wright
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My name is Wendy Wright, and I have a flair for dotting my Is, crossing my Ts, and paying attention to really important ... see full details and contact information for Wendy ... ext 117 office(207) 778-4657 property management(207) 491-2433 cell
Wendy has 1 active or recent property listings for $125,000.
Serving the areas of Wilton, Vienna, Farmington, Jay, New Sharon, Weld, Temple, Livermore, Strong & New Portland
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Here are some advantages and disadvantages to consider when purchasing real estate in the village of Dixfield, Maine:

- Affordable prices: Dixfield is a small town and prices for real estate may be more affordable than other areas in Maine.
- Peaceful living: Dixfield offers a small town atmosphere suitable for peaceful living.
- Scenic surroundings: Located in Maine, Dixfield offers access to natural beauty with its forests, mountains, and lakes.
- Low crime rate: Safety is a benefit of living in a small town like Dixfield.
- Strong community: Small town living can also mean a close-knit community where neighbors look out for each other.

- Limited job opportunities: Dixfield is a small town with a limited range of job opportunities, which can make it difficult to find work.
- Lack of amenities: Dixfield is a small town with fewer amenities that larger towns or cities can offer.
- Harsh weather: Maine can have harsh winters and mild summers, which can affect the market value of real estate.

Overall, purchasing real estate in Dixfield, Maine can be a good decision if you are looking for an affordable, peaceful lifestyle in a small town. However, you should also consider the limited job opportunities, lack of amenities, and the potential effects of harsh weather.