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Chelsea Ireland
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Chelsea has lived the majority of her life in Lincoln. She has several years of experience in real estate, advertising, and ... see full details and contact information for Chelsea ... and Lillian. She enjoys spending time with her family and traveling.
Chelsea has 1 active or recent property listings for $200,000.
Serving the areas of Eddington, Patten, Etna, Grand Lake Stream, Winn, Benedicta, Medway, Holden, Bangor & Winterport
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- Eastport is a charming, historic village located on the coast of Maine that has a strong sense of community.
- The area boasts beautiful coastal landscapes and opportunities for outdoor recreation and fishing.
- Real estate prices in Eastport tend to be lower than many other coastal communities in Maine, making it an attractive option for those looking for a more affordable place to own a home.
- There are a variety of housing options available in Eastport, ranging from historic homes to waterfront properties.

- Eastport is a relatively small and remote community, which may not appeal to everyone.
- The village experiences cold, snowy winters and mild summers, which may be a downside for some.
- The local economy in Eastport has struggled in recent years and job opportunities may be limited.
- The area can be prone to storms and flooding, so prospective buyers should make sure to conduct thorough research on potential flood risks before making a purchase.