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Dixfield, Maine
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Sally Arsenault
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I have been with Riverside Realty for four years and specialize in residential and multi-unit sales. I am a life long ... see full details and contact information for Sally ... (207)357-0120. I am eagerly waiting to serve all your real estate needs!
Sally has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $79,900 to $250,000.
Serving the areas of Andover, Peru, Rumford, Roxbury, Mexico, Canton & Dixfield
Wendy Wright
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Broker Associate
My name is Wendy Wright, and I have a flair for dotting my Is, crossing my Ts, and paying attention to really important ... see full details and contact information for Wendy ... ext 117 office(207) 778-4657 property management(207) 491-2433 cell
Wendy has 1 active or recent property listings for $125,000.
Serving the areas of Strong, Jay, Livermore, New Vineyard, Weld, Dixfield, Farmington, Temple, Wilton & Livermore Falls
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Official State Seal

Advantages of buying property in New Vineyard, Maine may include:

1. Peaceful and quiet rural setting, perfect for those who value privacy and nature.
2. Lower cost of living compared to larger cities in the state.
3. Opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hiking, fishing, and hunting.
4. Friendly and close-knit community.

Disadvantages of buying property in New Vineyard, Maine may include:

1. Limited employment opportunities and a lower job market compared to larger cities
2. Limited access to healthcare facilities and other amenities.
3. Harsh winter weather conditions, which may require additional upkeep and maintenance of the property.
4. Limited real estate options available in the village.

It is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of buying property in New Vineyard, Maine before making a decision. Ultimately, the decision should be based on one's individual needs and priorities.