USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Maine in Knox County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
13 active listings near Vinalhaven
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$475,000   👍* 68 E Main St
$449,000   👍 13 Pleasant St
$449,000   👍 13 Pleasant St
$399,000   👍 4 Water St
$375,000   👍 8 Berry Ln
$329,000   👍 30 Pond St
$299,000   👍 37 E Main St
$295,000   👍 1 Bubs Way
$279,900   👍 15 Bay State Rd
$207,000   👍 10 Brighton Ave
$68,000   👍 Zion Farm Rd Lot 6
$59,900   👍 Tolman Rd

Interested in fun facts and the history of Vinalhaven, ME?
Then read on!

Here are a couple of true facts about Vinalhaven, Maine:

1. Vinalhaven is the largest of the fourteen islands that make up the Fox Islands, an archipelago in Penobscot Bay. It has a land area of about 168 square kilometers.

2. Vinalhaven is known for its granite quarries, which have provided high-quality stone for the construction of many famous buildings, including the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City and the Boston Public Library. The quarries are still active today and are a major part of the island's economy.