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Bryan Pahlen
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Your Friends In Real Estate!
Raised in a "real estate family" Bryan has been involved with all aspects of real estate from an early age. Since helping ... see full details and contact information for Bryan ... fishing on Lake of the Woods/Rainy River and camping with friends.
Bryan has 22 recent and active property listings that range in price from $22,500 to $515,000 with the most recent sale on 2022-01-28 for $26,100.
Serving the areas of Baudette, Warroad, Williams, Roosevelt, Angle Inlet, Roseau, Badger & Salol
April Stavig
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With over 20 years in the real estate business, and a lifelong resident of the area, I am ready to assist you in buying or ... see full details and contact information for April ... the Woods and Roseau counties. Contact me at Lake Country Realty today.
April has 18 recent and active property listings that range in price from $63,000 to $540,000.
Serving the areas of Roseau, Roosevelt, Grygla, Angle Inlet, Greenbush, Warroad, Williams & Birchdale
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As of 2021, the median home value in Baudette, MN is $123,471, which is well below the median home value in the United States. Some benefits of home ownership in Baudette, Minnesota are:

1. Stable housing costs: When you own a home, you have more control over your housing costs. You can lock in a fixed mortgage rate, and you do not have to worry about rent increases.

2. Building equity: As you make mortgage payments, you are building equity in your home. Over time, your home will likely appreciate in value, which can be a wise investment.

3. Greater control over your living space: When you own a home, you can make changes and improvements to your living space without having to get permission from a landlord.

4. Community stability: Owning a home can lead to a greater sense of community and stability, as you become more invested in the neighborhood and local schools.

5. Tax benefits: Homeowners can often deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on their federal income taxes, which can result in significant savings.