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1. Crosby is located in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by lakes and forests.
2. The city is a great place to raise a family, as it offers a low cost of living and plenty of recreational activities.
3. It has a small-town feel, with friendly locals and strong community spirit.

1. The city has limited job opportunities, and many residents commute to nearby cities for work.

Jana S. Froemming
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Helping Buyers and Sellers navigate the real estate maze!
Allow me to introduce myself! I am a Social Worker by degree from St. Cloud State University. After moving to Boston, ... see full details and contact information for Jana ... Area. And yes, I do windows! I love to help prepare homes for sale!
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $149,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-01-05 for $492,500.
Serving the areas of Baxter, Merrifield, Crosby, Brainerd, Pequot Lakes & Crosslake
John Fritsche
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First licensed as a residential Realtor in 1983, Johns professional background has continued to grow and flourish. Today, ... see full details and contact information for John ... development project, might assist you in your present property search.
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $47,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-22 for $490,000.
Serving the areas of Brainerd, Motley, Pillager, Baxter & Staples
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Official State Seal

Crosby, Minnesota is a small village that offers a number of advantages as a place to purchase real estate:

1. Natural Beauty: Located in the heart of the beautiful northern Minnesota lakes region, Crosby offers residents access to pristine lakes, lush forests, and scenic state parks.

2. Affordable Real Estate: Compared to many other areas of Minnesota and the United States, Crosby offers relatively affordable real estate prices, making it a popular choice for retirees, first-time homebuyers, and those looking to invest in rental properties.

3. Outdoor Recreation: With access to numerous lakes and endless miles of hiking and biking trails, Crosby is a great place for outdoor enthusiasts to call home.

4. Community Events: Throughout the year, Crosby hosts a variety of community events and festivals that bring residents together and help to foster a strong sense of community.

5. Small-Town Charm: Despite its proximity to larger cities like Brainerd and Duluth, Crosby has maintained its small-town charm with a vibrant downtown area, friendly residents, and a relaxed pace of life.