USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Minnesota in Itasca County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
23 active listings near Keewatin
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$579,000   👍* 15603 N Buck Lake Rd
$540,000   👍 County Road 56
$499,900   👍* 45672 W Buck Lake Rd
$459,900   👍 411 E Hawkins Ave
$459,900   👍 411 E Hawkins Ave
$459,900   👍 411 E Hawkins Ave
$449,900   👍 41169 Shoal Lake Rd
$449,900   👍 41169 Shoal Lake Rd
$319,000   👍 128 5th St
$319,000   👍 128 5th St
$309,900   👍* 420 E Hawkins Ave
$260,000   👍* 21 6th St
$250,000   👍 15829 Maple Ln
$245,000   👍 210 E Deering Ave
$245,000   👍 210 E Deering Ave
$223,900   👍 402 E Hawkins Ave
$149,500   👍* 18860 S Sucker Lake Rd
$127,500   👍* 115 3rd St
$79,900   👍* 415 2nd St
$59,000   👍 1st St
$12,500   👍 County Road 55
$12,500   👍 County Road 55
$12,500   👍 County Road 55

Interested in fun facts and the history of Keewatin, MN?
Then read on!

Here are a few true facts about the village of Keewatin, Minnesota:

- Keewatin is a small village with a population of less than 1,000 people.
- The village was originally established as a mining town in the late 19th century, and iron ore mining has remained an important part of the local economy to this day.
- Keewatin is located on the banks of the picturesque Trout Lake, which offers many recreational opportunities such as fishing and boating.
- The village is connected to nearby cities such as Grand Rapids and Hibbing via the U.S. Highway 169.
- Keewatin is home to the Minnesota Museum of Mining, which features exhibits and artifacts related to the region's mining history.