*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Medina ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Waconia, MN. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Minnesota in Hennepin County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
32 active listings near Medina
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$3,699,000    7645 Turner Rd
$1,749,000    6245 Waldemar Way
$1,699,000    15 Stubbs Bay Rd
$1,695,000    1373 Prairie Meadow Rd
$1,450,000    3350 County Road 90
$1,260,000    6055 Fieldstone Pl
$1,250,000   * 5971 Pagenkopf Rd
$1,199,000    4680 Bayside Rd
$1,199,000    5645 Koch Xing
$1,195,000    6280 Pagenkopf Rd
$1,129,999   * 5780 Providence Curv
$1,095,000    4560 Spruce Way
$1,075,000   * 2224 County Road 92
$1,065,000    4736 S Lake Sarah Dr
$965,000   * 612 Nelson Rd
$899,900    145 Turnham Rd
$899,900    145 Turnham Rd
$875,000   * 7888 County Road 6
$799,000    2852 County Road 92 N
$760,000    6920 D Chene Ln
$699,000   * 2935 Lindgren Ln
$575,000   * 2485 County Road 92 N
$540,000    2060 Budd Ave
$399,900   * 4919 Independence St
$399,000   * 1504 Rainbow Ave
$360,000    6323 Gustavus Dr
$340,000   * 5079 Main St E
$330,000    6387 Gustavus Dr
$315,000    6231 County Road 11
$275,000   * 6188 Gustavus Dr
$260,000    4795 Juniper Curv
$260,000    4750 Juniper Curv

Interested in fun facts and the history of Medina, MN?
Then read on!

- Medina is a relatively small city with a population of around 5,800 people.
- The city was originally settled in the 1850s, and was primarily a farming community for much of its history.
- Medina is known for its many parks and nature preserves, including Baker Park Reserve, which covers over 2,700 acres of land and includes trails for hiking and cross-country skiing.
- The city is home to several lakes, including Lake Independence and Lake Sarah, which offer opportunities for boating, fishing, and other water-based activities.
- Medina has a thriving equestrian community, with numerous stables and horse farms in the area.
- The city is also home to several golf courses, including the Medina Golf and Country Club and the Baker National Golf Course.
- Despite its relatively small size, Medina is located just a short drive from the city of Minneapolis, which offers endless opportunities for entertainment, dining, and cultural attractions.