*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Minneapolis ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Jordan, MN. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Minnesota in Hennepin County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
City of Lakes
Mill City
The Mini Apple
Twin Cities
City motto: En Avant (Forward)
28 active listings near Minneapolis
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,200,000    801/803 Huron St SE
$1,150,000    222 2nd St SE Apt 1203
$1,095,000   * 45 University Ave SE Unit 807
$800,000   * 100 2nd St SE Apt 1004
$799,900    1023 17th Ave SE
$749,000    836 Thornton St SE
$715,000   * 225 Bank St SE
$700,000    223 Bank St SE
$595,000   * 240 Bedford St SE
$545,000    110 Bank St SE Apt 1601
$489,900   * 521 2nd St SE Apt 304
$480,000   * 833 River Mews Ct
$450,000   * 979 18th Ave SE
$439,900   * 904 9th Ave SE
$435,000   * 416 6th St SE
$399,900    1720 Rollins Ave SE
$390,000   * 1137 14th Ave SE
$379,500   * 3230 4th St SE
$375,000   * 170 Emerald St SE
$349,900    2600 University Ave SE Apt 301
$299,900   * 1014 24th Ave SE
$299,900    924 20th Ave SE
$289,950   * 619 8th St SE Unit 408
$265,000   * 1098 15th Ave SE
$240,000   * 2600 University Ave SE Apt 111
$185,000   * 26 Arthur Ave SE Apt 104
$129,000    838 Thornton St SE
$114,900    333 8th St SE Apt 314

Interested in fun facts and the history of Minneapolis, MN?
Then read on!

Here are a couple of true facts and a brief history of Minneapolis, Minnesota:

1. Minneapolis is known as the "City of Lakes" because of the 22 beautiful lakes within its city limits.

2. The city played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement as it was the site of the landmark desegregation case, Brown v. Board of Education.

3. Minneapolis was founded in 1867 on both sides of the Mississippi River as a milling town due to its proximity to St. Anthony Falls, which provided water power for the mills.

4. In 1883, the main milling district exploded in the largest flour milling facility in the world. The catastrophe took the lives of more than a dozen people and resulted in millions of dollars in damage.

5. Minneapolis was once home to the largest hub for Sears, Roebuck and Co., and the first shopping mall in the country, which opened in 1956.

6. The city has a bustling arts scene, and its Theater District is home to numerous theaters for live theater, opera, and music performances.

7. Prince, one of the most iconic musicians of all time, was born in Minneapolis and his legacy lives on throughout the city.