*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Saint Paul ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Elko New Market, MN. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
Saint Paul
, Minnesota in Ramsey County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
The Capital City
The Saintly City
Pig's Eye
Last City of the East
City motto: The most livable city in America
118 active listings near Saint Paul
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$550,000    1720 7th St E
$535,900    1056 3rd St E
$525,000    880 Wilson Ave
$425,000   * 25 B St
$424,900   * 1667 Ames Ave
$414,900   * 1129 Hyacinth Ave E
$409,900   * 931 Kennard St
$400,000   * 619 Mendota St
$375,000   * 785 Hoyt Ave E
$375,000    1596 McLean Ave
$365,000    1109 Lawson Ave E
$364,900   * 752 Montana Ave E
$359,900   * 651 Hawthorne Ave E
$359,900    736 Geranium Ave E
$350,000   * 1530 N English St
$350,000    936 Earl St
$349,900   * 1265 5th St E
$349,900   * 1116 Reaney Ave
$345,000   * 1555 Burns Ave
$329,900    1253 Etna St
$325,000   * 1145 Hyacinth Ave E
$325,000    1529 Etna St
$325,000   * 1415 Forest St
$324,900   * 770 Minnehaha Ave E
$324,900    1151 Reaney Ave
$320,000    1383 Barclay St
$319,900   * 281 Hazelwood St
$319,900    1704 Wilson Ave
$315,000   * 1455 Maryland Ave E
$315,000   * 733 Cook Ave E
$315,000    1391 Barclay St
$315,000    1460 Pacific St
$315,000   * 680 Arlington Ave E
$315,000   * 1637 Etna St
$305,000   * 1748 Leone Ave
$300,000   * 453 Birmingham St
$299,900    1049 6th St E
$299,000   * 1137 Kingsford St
$295,000    1640 Idaho Ave E
$295,000   * 1744 Hyacinth Ave E
$290,000   * 1700 Parkway Dr
$289,900   * 1667 Wilson Ave
$289,900   * 1206 Conway St
$285,000   * 1419 Clarence St
$285,000    1091 Jessamine Ave E
$280,000   * 1101 Beech St
$269,900   * 902 Orange Ave E
$265,000    1761 7th St E
$260,000    1774 Reaney Ave
$259,900   * 1015 Fremont Ave
$259,900   * 1708 Minnehaha Ave E
$259,900    902 Forest St
$255,000    1511 3rd St E
$255,000    1359 Arlington Ave E
$250,000   * 1592 Margaret St
$250,000   * 335 Bates Ave
$250,000   * 880 Conway St
$249,950   * 1663 Reaney Ave
$249,900   * 1512 Case Ave
$249,900   * 728 5th St E
$247,900    1332 Phalen Blvd Unit 101
$244,900   * 1612 5th St E
$240,000    1361 Magnolia Ave E
$240,000   * 954 Jessamine Ave E
$239,900   * 885 Case Ave E
$239,900   * 1707 Orange Ave E
$235,000    1768 7th St E
$235,000    1082 Sims Ave
$230,000   * 857 Rose Ave E
$230,000   * 1008 3rd St E
$229,900   * 1151 Kennard St
$229,900   * 1006 Reaney Ave
$229,600    735 Wilson Ave
$229,000   * 675 Lawson Ave E
$229,000   * 930 Wilson Ave
$225,000   * 1707 Margaret St
$225,000    1120 6th St E
$224,900   * 1033 3rd St E
$224,900   * 1043 Beech St
$224,900   * 836 Magnolia Ave E
$219,900   * 1471 Magnolia Ave E
$219,000    552 Gotzian St
$215,200    667 4th St E
$215,000   * 774 Atlantic St
$214,500   * 801 Cottage Ave E
$204,900    901 Euclid St
$200,000   * 1178 Rose Ave E
$199,900   * 773 Hawthorne Ave E
$199,900   * 892 York Ave
$199,900    1156 Earl St
$199,900    671 Maryland Ave E
$199,900   * 991 Rose Ave E
$195,000    1212 7th St E
$189,900    1052 Bush Ave
$189,900   * 693 Case Ave
$189,700    1336 3rd St E
$189,000    995 6th St E
$187,900   * 1410 7th St E
$185,000    758 Jenks Ave
$180,000   * 1011 3rd St E
$179,998   * 1522 York Ave
$179,900    990 3rd St E
$175,000    571 Earl St
$170,000    450 Etna St Apt 202
$169,900    664 Cook Ave E
$159,900    1694 7th St E
$139,900   * 1776 Maryland Ave E Apt 206
$138,900    18 Bates Ave
$138,400    723 Jessamine Ave E
$131,000    1350 Stillwater Ave
$125,900   * 1224 Reaney Ave
$107,100   * 1575 Beech St
$75,000    Kennard St
$60,000    1106 Hawthorne Ave E
$50,000   * 988 Minnehaha Ave E
$40,000    866 Clear Ave
$32,999    1150 Reaney Ave
$30,000    678 Lawson Ave E

Interested in fun facts and the history of Saint Paul, MN?
Then read on!

Here are some interesting facts about the history of St. Paul, Minnesota:

1. St. Paul was originally inhabited by the Dakota people, who named it "Imnizaska" meaning "white rock cliffs" due to the limestone bluffs that line the Mississippi River.

2. The city grew rapidly in the mid-19th century as a result of the fur trade and the arrival of steamboats on the Mississippi River.

3. In 1858, St. Paul became the capital of Minnesota when the state was admitted to the Union.

4. During the Civil War, St. Paul served as a major hub for the Union Army, supplying troops and materials to the front lines.

5. The city is considered to be the birthplace of the "bootleg" or illegal liquor trade during Prohibition, with gangsters such as Al Capone and John Dillinger operating in the area.

6. St. Paul was home to some famous figures in history, including author F. Scott Fitzgerald, musician Prince, and civil rights activist Roy Wilkins.

7. The city has a rich cultural history, with a strong influence from the immigrant communities that settled there, including Swedish, Irish, and German immigrants.

8. St. Paul is also known for its vibrant arts scene, with numerous theaters, galleries, and music venues located throughout the city.