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Rachel Countryman
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"Selling Homes by the Yard"
With a passion for properties and a commitment to exceptional service, I am your go-to real estate professional for all your ... see full details and contact information for Rachel ... $$$ back in your pocket with no obligations! "Selling Homes by the Yard"
This realtor has 11 recent and active property listings that range in price from $67,000 to $900,000.
Serving the areas of Edwards, Licking, Lynchburg, New Florence, Lamar, Anderson, Belle, Liberal, O'Fallon & Norborne
Karen Leydens
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Kar"n for YOU
Having lived and worked in Jefferson City Area for more than 45 years, I understand what makes our community and the people ... see full details and contact information for Karen ... me to stand by your side - and it's the foundation of all that I do.
Karen has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Clarksburg, Eldon, Barnett, Columbia & Jefferson City
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Here are some potential pros and cons of buying property in Belle, Missouri:

- Belle is a small, rural village, which can provide a peaceful and close-knit community atmosphere.
- The surrounding area offers opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as hunting, fishing, and hiking.
- Real estate in the area may be more affordable than in larger cities or more popular vacation destinations.
- Belle is well-located for those who need to commute to nearby towns for work or other reasons.

- As a small, rural village, Belle may have fewer amenities and services than larger cities or towns.
- Job opportunities may be more limited in this area, depending on one's field of work.
- The rural location may not be desirable for those who need or prefer more access to urban conveniences.
- As with many rural areas, Belle may be more prone to natural disasters such as floods or tornadoes.

Ultimately, the decision to buy property in Belle, Missouri would depend on individual preferences and considerations. It may be helpful to speak with a local real estate agent, as they can provide more detailed information about the area and its property market.