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Positive aspects:
1. Bethany is close to many outdoor recreation areas, such as Lake Contrary and Crowder State Park, offering plenty of opportunities for camping, fishing, and hiking.
2. The city is well-connected to other towns and cities in the region, with easy access to highways and public transportation.
3. Bethany is served by excellent schools in Harrison County, providing students with a quality educational experience.

Negative aspect:
The cost of living in Bethany is higher than the national average.

Lisa Shelman
Agent Photo

Land Chick - Home Farm & Lake Properties
Land Chick LC

Office address:
15285 Nicke Ave
Altamont, MO

Lisa has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $16,400 to $665,999 with the most recent sale on 2023-10-20.
Serving the areas of Gilman City, Pattonsburg, Hamilton, Cainsville, McFall, Eagleville, Ridgeway, Bethany & Jameson
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Official State Seal

Bethany, Missouri is a beautiful village with a small-town vibe that may offer several benefits when it comes to buying property.

Firstly, the cost of living in Bethany is relatively low compared to many other cities in the United States, which usually translates to lower real estate prices.

Secondly, Bethany provides a tranquil and peaceful environment to live in, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. This makes it an excellent option for anyone looking to live a quieter and slower-paced lifestyle.

Thirdly, Bethany is home to beautiful scenery, including vast woodlands, lakes, and parks, which make it an attractive destination for anyone who loves nature and outdoor activities.

Fourthly, Bethany has a diverse selection of property types, including residential properties, farmland, ranches, and commercial properties, making it possible to find a property that meets your needs.

Overall, buying property in Bethany, Missouri, provides excellent value for your money, a peaceful environment, and a great quality of life.