*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Bridgeton ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Old Monroe, MO. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Missouri in St. Louis County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
34 active listings near Bridgeton
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$500,000    4236 Cypress Rd
$340,000    10565 Litz Ave
$314,900    10436 Ashby Place Ln
$299,900    10780 Oak Pointe Dr
$299,000   * 10358 Baltimore Ave
$297,000    10416 Ashby Place Ln
$224,900   * 10236 Baltimore Ave
$220,000   * 4063 Esseldale Dr
$220,000   * 4055 Esseldale Dr
$220,000   * 4059 Esseldale Dr
$218,500   * 3711 Ashby Rd
$209,900    4049 Ashby Rd
$199,900   * 4036 Esseldale Dr
$194,900   * 3439 Sims Ave
$194,900   * 3270 Adie Rd
$189,900   * 3033 Bellecote Ave
$179,900   * 11209 Saint Shawn Ln
$174,900   * 10610 Saint Edmund Ln
$170,000   * 3502 High Dr
$169,900   * 3320 Krem Ave
$169,000   * 10636 St Francis Ln
$162,500   * 3518 Eastridge Ln
$159,900   * 3304 Saint Joachim Ln
$157,500   * 10609 Saint Lawrence Ln
$155,000   * 3425 Saint Williams Ln
$155,000    3155 Sherman Dr
$150,000   * 3152 Saint Joachim Ln
$149,900   * 3238 Krem Ave
$145,000   * 3546 Saint Joachim Ln
$144,900   * 10557 Litz Ave
$139,000    10300 Saint Katherine Ln
$115,000   * 11004 Ivan Ave
$100,000   * 3358 Marmary Ln
$39,000    3734 Adie Rd

Interested in fun facts and the history of Bridgeton, MO?
Then read on!

Here are a few true facts about Bridgeton, Missouri:

1. Bridgeton is home to the largest park in the St. Louis County Parks system, the 2,000-acre Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park.

2. The historical significance of Bridgeton dates back to the early 1800s when it was a settlement for the descendants of French Canadian fur traders.

3. Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, which serves the city of St. Louis, is located in Bridgeton.

4. The Bridgeton Landfill, in the news due to environmental concerns, is a Superfund site that is being monitored by the US Environmental Protection Agency.