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Living near Brookfield, Missouri has many positive aspects. The city is in a rural area, so there are plenty of outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking, and camping. It is also close to several small towns, which makes it easy to find shops, restaurants, and other amenities. Additionally, the cost of living is relatively low compared to other cities in the state.

On the downside, Brookfield is not close to any large cities, so access to arts, culture, and entertainment can be limited. There may also be fewer job opportunities available than in larger cities.

Jennifer Pflugradt
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We are a husband & wife team who works for you!
Travis & Jennifer are a husband & wife team who work great with buyers we help them with the whole process to get them into ... see full details and contact information for Jennifer ... let us deal with it! We work for you & we will have fun along the way!
Jennifer has 9 recent and active property listings that range in price from $84,900 to $799,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-03-11.
Serving the areas of Savannah, Brookfield & Fillmore
Read the reviews for Jennifer Pflugradt
Kristy Lauhoff
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Buy with Confidence, Sell with Success!
I have been a top performing agent for several years, so don't settle for less! Helping you find "your" home or sell your ... see full details and contact information for Kristy ... love helping all my clients and strive to meet all you real estate needs.
This realtor has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $30,000 to $260,000.
Serving the areas of Jamesport, Braymer, Tina, Hale, Carrollton, Brookfield, Meadville, Chillicothe & Gallatin
Joyce Eddy
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Steady Eddy
I started out in real estate in 1998 and have worked full time ever since. As an agent I gained knowledge and went back and ... see full details and contact information for Joyce ... I am now the designated broker at Eddy Real Estate LLC since May of 2020.
Joyce has 1 active or recent property listings for $180,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-02-29.
Serving the areas of Hamilton, Dawn, Utica, Carrollton, Breckenridge, Chula, Trenton, Jamesport & Brookfield
Read the reviews for Joyce Eddy
Rachel Countryman
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"Selling Homes by the Yard"
With a passion for properties and a commitment to exceptional service, I am your go-to real estate professional for all your ... see full details and contact information for Rachel ... $$$ back in your pocket with no obligations! "Selling Homes by the Yard"
This realtor has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $67,000 to $900,000.
Serving the areas of Thornfield, Malta Bend, Beulah, Forsyth, Osage Beach, Exeter, Diamond, Kimmswick, Kimberling City & Sweet Springs
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Official State Seal

There are various advantages and disadvantages of purchasing real estate in the town of Brookfield, Missouri. Here are some of them:

1. Affordability: The cost of purchasing a home and land in Brookfield, Missouri is relatively low compared to other areas in the state.
2. Great Amenities: The town has various amenities such as parks, sports facilities, medical facilities, and a vibrant downtown.
3. Small town charm: The town provides a small-town feel and community where you can get to know the residents and the town's traditions.
4. Low Crime rate: Brookfield Missouri's crime rate is lower than the national average.

1. Limited job opportunities: Job opportunities in Brookfield, Missouri are limited compared to bigger cities.
2. Low population density: The town has a small population density, which could be an issue if you want to interact with a lot of people or socialize.
3. Weather conditions: The town experiences extreme weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and snowfall during the winter months, which could lead to damages and costs.
4. Resale value: The property resale value may be lower in a small town like Brookfield than in bigger cities, and therefore may not be a good investment.

Overall, it is important to weigh these advantages and disadvantages and see what suits you best before making a decision.