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Home of the Worlds Largest Pecan

Tiffany Dowell
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Simply working for you!
As a devoted real estate professional I will make every effort to ensure your experience is as smooth and enjoyable as ... see full details and contact information for Tiffany ... me today so that I may help you with all of your real estate needs.
Tiffany has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $139,900 to $450,000.
Serving the areas of Arrow Rock, Carrollton, Miami, Malta Bend, Nelson, Brunswick, Blackwater, Blackburn, Sweet Springs & Marshall
Nancy Jackson
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Nancy Jackson has been specializing in residential, commercial, land and farm real estate in mid Missouri since 1972. As a ... see full details and contact information for Nancy ... 2007, Missouri Association of Realtors. National Association of Realtors.
Nancy has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $349,000 to $749,500.
Serving the areas of Alma, Blackwater, Marshall, Miami, Gilliam, Waverly, Blackburn, Nelson, Hughesville & Arrow Rock
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Before buying real estate in Brunswick, Missouri, it is important to consider the pros and cons based on your personal preferences and priorities.

- Affordability: The cost of living and housing is relatively low in Brunswick compared to other cities in Missouri, making it an attractive location for those on a budget.
- Small-Town Atmosphere: Brunswick is a small village with a population of around 750 people, which can provide a tight-knit community and slower pace of life.
- Natural Beauty: The village is located near the Missouri River and other outdoor attractions, offering opportunities for hiking, fishing, and other recreational activities.

- Limited Amenities: Brunswick is a small village without many of the amenities and services found in larger cities, making it less attractive if you are looking for a wealth of options.
- Rural Location: The village is located in a rural area, which may be less convenient if you need access to urban amenities like major airports, healthcare facilities, or cultural institutions.
- Potential Disasters: The village has been known to experience severe weather events, like tornadoes and floods, which can put real estate investments at risk.

It's important to consider these factors and conduct further research to determine if Brunswick, Missouri, is the right location for your real estate investment.