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Oldest Mining Town in the Southwest

Granby, Missouri is located within Newton County and has a lot of positives to offer its residents.

One of the great things about Granby is its small-town feel. The population is just over 1,000, so it's easy to get to know your neighbors and feel like part of a community. There are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, such as camping and fishing in nearby lakes, hiking in the Ozarks, or even taking a drive along the historic Route 66. Additionally, Granby offers some great local dining options and plenty of shopping opportunities.

Another positive aspect of life in Granby is its cost of living. Home prices are generally very affordable, and overall living expenses are lower compared to other cities in the region. This means you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank.

The only downside to living in Granby is that it can be difficult to find employment opportunities. With such a small population, there aren't many big businesses or industries located in the city. This means that those looking for a job may have to commute to nearby towns or cities to find suitable employment.

Mark Noriega
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Let's find your dream Home.
I grew up in Monett, MO. before moving to Houston TX where I started my Real Estate Career. I learned a lot in the big city ... see full details and contact information for Mark ... people buy and sell their homes in the area. Y tambien hablo espanol.
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $174,900.
Serving the areas of Monett, Wentworth, Neosho, Diamond, Granby, Purdy, Marionville, Stotts City & Wheaton
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Here are a few benefits of home ownership in the village of Granby, Missouri:

1. Stable Housing Costs: As a homeowner in Granby, Missouri, your mortgage payment will be predictable and stable, unlike renting where landlords could change the rent at the end of each lease term.

2. Building Equity: Homeowners in Granby, Missouri can build equity over time as they pay down their mortgage debt, which can be used to finance other investments or as part of their retirement savings.

3. Tax Benefits: There are tax benefits to owning a home in Granby, Missouri, including the ability to deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on your federal income taxes.

4. No Landlord Restrictions: As a homeowner, you will have the freedom to paint, decorate or make improvements to your home as you please, without seeking the approval of a landlord.

5. Community Involvement: Homeownership in Granby, Missouri can allow you to become more involved in the community through neighborhood associations or local government.