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Unlimited Possibilities...

James Jensen
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Understanding real estate is one thing, but being able to connect with people to truly understand their needs is much ... see full details and contact information for James ... want to make top dollar from a sale, your success is James top priority.
This realtor has 15 recent and active property listings that range in price from $1,000 to $385,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-05-01.
Serving the areas of Cooperstown, Valley City, Tower City, Jamestown & Spiritwood
Kailer Riedman
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Trust is Paramount
: Working to be a top-tier Realtor known for honesty and authenticity in addition to my industry knowledge. : Trust is the ... see full details and contact information for Kailer ... singing. : *Almost* veterinarian before I found my way to real estate.
This realtor has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $268,900 to $304,900.
Serving the areas of Mayville, Cooperstown, West Fargo, Fargo, Moorhead & Portland
Read the reviews for Kailer Riedman
Kevin Elliott
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Office address:
12 3RD ST SE

This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $105,000 to $105,000.
Serving the areas of Larimore, Cooperstown, Harwood, Clifford, Reynolds, Argusville, Caledonia, Hillsboro, Page & Grand Forks
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Official State Seal

Cooperstown is a small village in North Dakota with a population of around 900 people. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of purchasing real estate in Cooperstown, North Dakota:

- Low cost of living: Compared to other parts of the United States, the cost of living in North Dakota is relatively low.
- Low housing costs: The cost of buying a home in Cooperstown is generally lower than in other parts of the country.
- Peaceful and quiet living: Cooperstown provides a very peaceful setting in which to live.
- Strong sense of community: Cooperstown is a small village, which means that residents often have a strong sense of community.

- Employment Opportunities: Cooperstown is a small village with limited job opportunities.
- Harsh climate: North Dakota has harsh winter weather, with storms and heavy snowfalls that can make living difficult during the colder months of the year.
- Isolated location: Cooperstown is quite rural, and the nearest larger city is approximately 100 miles away, which may not work for everyone.

It is important to weigh the pros and cons of purchasing real estate in Cooperstown, North Dakota before making any investment decisions.