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Sheyenne, North Dakota
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Chris Wahl
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Born and raised in Devils Lake, ND I graduated from DLHS in 2006 and attended the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND. While ... see full details and contact information for Chris ... the car business to begin our journey in real estate with Reign Realty.
Chris has 1 active or recent property listings for $159,900 with the most recent sale on 2023-09-28.
Serving the areas of Starkweather, Crary, New Rockford, Sheyenne, Penn, Hampden, Edmore, Brocket, Lawton & Churchs Ferry
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One potential benefit of buying a property in Fort Totten, North Dakota, is the relative affordability of real estate as compared to many other parts of the United States. Additionally, the village's location near Devil's Lake provides for natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities, such as fishing, boating, and hiking. Fort Totten is also part of the Spirit Lake Nation, meaning that the community has a unique cultural heritage and potential for cultural experiences. Furthermore, the area is known for its natural resources, such as wind energy, and there may be potential for investment in renewable energy infrastructure. It is important to note that any potential benefits of buying a property in Fort Totten, North Dakota, should be weighed against other factors, such as the local real estate market and individual financial circumstances.