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Building the Future Together

1. Oakes has a beautiful landscape that includes rolling hills, lush forests, and winding rivers.
2. The city boasts a strong sense of community and a friendly atmosphere, with many events and activities for residents of all ages.

The crime rate in Oakes is relatively high compared to other cities in the county.

Tyler Hunter
Agent Photo
Tyler is a licensed Broker/REALTOR with Simply Homes Realty in Fargo, ND. Although his office is in Fargo he is licensed in ... see full details and contact information for Tyler ... Call/Text: 701-799-5409 Office: 701-491-8595 www SimplyHomesFargowww
This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $386,886 to $505,603.
Serving the areas of Fargo, Mohall, Casselton, Oakes, Ayr, Valley City, Mapleton, Kindred, Arthur & Erie
Wes Well
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RE MAX Advantage

Office address:
502 Main St.
Lisbon, ND

Wes Well has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $78,000 to $536,500.
Serving the areas of LaMoure, Valley City, Forman, Jamestown, Lisbon, Litchville, Sheldon, Enderlin, Verona & Medina
Michael Janke
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Mike Janke brings much experience to the real estate table. He spent 10 years as a lender before joining Century 21 Heritage ... see full details and contact information for Michael ... When not working, Mike loves the outdoors, hunting and fishing.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Marion, Ellendale, Edgeley, LaMoure, Fredonia, Litchville, Gackle, Fullerton, Kulm & Dickey
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Official State Seal

Owning a home in Oakes, North Dakota can offer several benefits, including:

1. Affordability: Homes are more affordable in Oakes than in larger cities, making it a great place for first-time homebuyers.

2. Low property taxes: North Dakota has some of the lowest property taxes in the country, which means homeowners in Oakes can save money on their property tax bills.

3. Community amenities: Oakes is a small town with a tight-knit community. Residents can enjoy community events, parks, and local businesses.

4. Investment potential: Oakes is located in the midst of the Great Plains and has a strong agricultural industry. If properly maintained, a home in the area can appreciate in value over time.

5. Improved quality of life: Owning a home can offer a sense of stability and security, which can improve overall quality of life. Homeowners can also put down roots and become invested in their community over time.