USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, North Dakota in Mountrail County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
13 active listings near Stanley
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$475,000   👍 5975 84th Ave NW
$375,000   👍 120 Adeline Dr
$349,000   👍* 6459 81st Ave NW
$235,000   👍 234 Adeline Dr
$209,000   👍* 2 Adeline Dr
$198,000   👍 508 NW 1st St
$184,900   👍 423 SE 2nd St
$184,900   👍 423 2nd St SE
$159,000   👍 330 Adeline Dr
$159,000   👍 330 Adeline Dr
$130,000   👍 335 Adeline Dr
$120,000   👍 525 5th St SE
$72,000   👍* 8010 NW 68th St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Stanley, ND?
Then read on!

Stanley is a small town located in northwestern North Dakota, USA. The town is named after Stanley R. Lyman, a chief engineer with the Great Northern Railroad, who surveyed and plotted the town site in 1902.

Stanley is known for its rich agricultural heritage, primarily producing wheat, oats, barley, and other crops. In recent years, the town has experienced growth due to the oil boom in the region, with many workers and companies related to the oil industry settling in the area.

There are a few notable attractions in Stanley, including the Mountrail County Historical Society Museum, which showcases the history of the area, and the Prairie Pothole National Wildlife Refuge, a beautiful 29,000-acre sanctuary for migratory birds and other wildlife.

Additionally, due to its proximity to Lake Sakakawea, Stanley is a popular destination for fishing and water recreation. Overall, while small, Stanley offers a unique blend of history, nature, and modern industry.