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Grant, Nebraska
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Kristy Nerud
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Experience, Integrity, Results
Jack Nerud Realty has been serving the western part of Nebraska for 62 years when it was started by Jack Nerud. Kristy ... see full details and contact information for Kristy ... professionalism. Contact Kristy for all of your real estate needs.
Kristy has 22 recent and active property listings that range in price from $30,000 to $795,000.
Serving the areas of Brule, North Platte, Lemoyne, Keystone, Oshkosh, Sidney, Lisco & Ogallala
Derek Russell
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AgPro Realty

Office address:
135 W 5TH ST

This realtor has 14 recent and active property listings that range in price from $48,000 to $1,600,000.
Serving the areas of Hayes Center, Stratton, Wallace, Benkelman, Palisade, McCook, Imperial, Grant, Wauneta & Ogallala
Megan Engbrecht
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Hello! My name is Megan Engbrecht. I was born and raised in Imperial, NE. I moved back and received my real estate license ... see full details and contact information for Megan ... Engbrecht, at Colson Agency. I would love to help you buy or sell a home.
This realtor has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $140,000 to $279,000.
Serving the areas of Champion, Imperial, Hayes Center, Trenton, McCook, Madrid, Benkelman, Elsie & Enders
Bernard Deaver
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Serving Property Sellers & Buyers in Southwest Nebraska
I'm a Perkins County native, life long resident and area farmer. I've pursued other business interests over the years ... see full details and contact information for Bernard ... and I will go the extra mile for you whether you are buying or selling!
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $210,000.
Serving the areas of Ogallala, Imperial, Grant, Venango, Elsie, Lemoyne, Paxton, Madrid & Brule
Jeanine Perry Co Ne Wy
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I have been selling and buying property, and helping others do the same since the early 1990s. I lived in Fort Collins for ... see full details and contact information for Jeanine ... in his auction/ estate sale business. I know houses from the inside out.
Jeanine has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $110,000 to $1,790,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-12-12 for $11,200,000.
Serving the areas of Raymer, Pierce, Eaton, Imperial, Briggsdale, Livermore, Nunn, Venango & Kersey
Read the reviews for Jeanine Perry CO NE WY
Spencer Evers
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Exp Realty Llc

Office address:

This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-10 for $500,000.
Serving the areas of Monroe, Hyannis, Scottsbluff, Bellevue, Leigh, Dalton, Winnetoon, Willow Island, Dannebrog & Magnet
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Advantages of homeownership in Bayard, Nebraska may include:

1. Equity building: Homeownership can provide a means of building wealth through home equity. As homeowners pay down the mortgage and the value of the home appreciates over time, their net worth increases.

2. Tax benefits: Homeowners in Bayard may be able to deduct mortgage interest and property taxes from their federal income taxes, which can help reduce their overall tax liability.

3. Stability: Owning a home in Bayard can provide a sense of stability, as homeowners can live in the same area for years without having to worry about rent increases or moving elsewhere.

4. Control: Homeowners have control over their property, which means they can make modifications and improvements to the home to suit their needs and preferences.

Disadvantages of homeownership in Bayard, Nebraska may include:

1. Responsibility: Homeownership comes with significant responsibilities, such as making mortgage payments on time, paying property taxes and insurance premiums, and performing necessary maintenance and repairs.

2. Upfront costs: Buying a home in Bayard requires a significant initial investment, including a down payment, closing costs, and other expenses.

3. Risk: Real estate values can fluctuate over time, which means that homeowners in Bayard may be at risk of losing value in their homes if the local housing market declines.

4. Limited flexibility: Owning a home in Bayard can limit flexibility for homeowners who may need to relocate for work or other reasons.