*** No USDA eligible properties were found in Bellevue ***
To find a home that may be eligible for a USDA loan, have a look at the neighboring city Cedar Creek, NE. This city falls within a zone of USDA loan eligibility.

All Active Listings Near
City Image
, Nebraska in Sarpy County

Use the map and table links below to access listing details.
Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
Also known as:
Birthplace of Nebraska
45 active listings near Bellevue
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$1,800,000    3545 Harland Lewis Rd
$1,000,000   * 110 Fox Meadow Ct
$950,000    411 Avian Cir N
$650,000    420 Waldruh Dr
$499,500    207 W Martin Dr
$475,000   * 412 Dowding Ct
$385,000    1508 Bellevue Blvd N
$370,000   * 208 Forest Dr
$345,000   * 110 Bellevue Blvd N
$344,000    108 Gregg Cir
$325,000   * 1412 Childs Rd E
$325,000    2809 Hancock St
$325,000    808 Moore Dr
$324,700   * 106 Kings Cir
$320,000   * 105 Merwood St
$315,000   * 110 Gregg Pl
$299,900   * 606 N 3rd St
$290,000   * 1118 Grandview St
$275,000   * 802 N 4th St
$265,000   * 2702 Crawford St
$260,000   * 1803 Madison St
$255,000    1704 Randall Dr
$250,000    606 Kayleen Dr
$245,000   * 1511 Bluff St
$245,000   * 1511 Bluff St
$235,000   * 706 Bellevue Blvd S
$232,500    1506 Lorraine Ave
$229,000   * 809 W 31st Ave
$229,000    706 W 31st Ave
$225,000   * 2603 Franklin St
$225,000    1301 Ventura Dr
$225,000   * 1710 Main St
$225,000   * 2601 Van Buren St
$220,000   * 405 W 27th Ave
$215,000   * 1011 Parkway Dr
$210,000   * 1112 Offutt Blvd
$200,000   * 405 Robinson Ave
$199,999    2711 Franklin St
$190,000   * 801 W 31st Ave
$170,000   * 904 W 31st Ave
$160,000   * 2306 Van Buren St
$115,000   * 914 McLaughlin Cir
$100,000   * 3101 Washington St
$59,500   * 601 Washington St
$50,000   * 2713 Edwards St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Bellevue, NE?
Then read on!

Bellevue, Nebraska is a city with a rich history and culture. It is the oldest continuous settlement in Nebraska, having been founded in 1822 as a fur trading post. Today, Bellevue is known for its strong military presence, as it is home to Offutt Air Force Base, which houses the United States Strategic Command. The city is also home to many parks, trails, and recreational areas, including the Fontenelle Forest Nature Center and the Bellevue Berry and Pumpkin Farm. Additionally, Bellevue has a thriving community, with a variety of festivals, events, and attractions that draw visitors from all over the region.