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Rooted. But Not Standing Still.

Good Aspects:
1. Low cost of living - The median home price in Broken Bow is very affordable at $111,000.
2. Low crime rate - Broken Bow has a low crime rate, making it an ideal place to raise a family.

Not So Good Aspect:
1. Limited job opportunities - While there are some jobs available in the city, most of the employment opportunities are located outside of town.

Kirsten Scott
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Kirsten graduated from Northeast Community college with a Degree in Business and a minor in Real Estate in 2020. She has ... see full details and contact information for Kirsten ... to get the best deal possible. Hard work is in this young woman's blood!
This realtor has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $35,000 to $189,900.
Serving the areas of Mason City, Loup City, Anselmo, Litchfield, Ansley, Oconto, Arcadia, Sargent, Comstock & Arnold
Koby Rickertsen
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Life is good and I absolutely LOVE what I do!
Buying and selling any sort of property is an big deal but buying or selling land is beyond next level. Hi, Im Koby ... see full details and contact information for Koby ... forward to serving landowners with their most valuable asset on earth.
Koby has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $34,900 to $650,000.
Serving the areas of Mitchell, Eddyville, Elwood, Dickens, Broken Bow, Scottsbluff, Lexington, Morrill, Arnold & Farnam
Read the reviews for Koby Rickertsen
Steve Linden
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COLDWELL BANKER Town & Country Realty of Kearney

Office address:
4503 2nd Ave
Kearney, NE

Steve has 6 recent and active property listings that range in price from $120,000 to $659,100.
Serving the areas of Hastings, Gibbon, Broken Bow, Grand Island, Lexington, Holdrege, Howard City, Kearney & Red Cloud
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Some benefits of homeownership in Broken Bow, Nebraska could include:

1. Stable housing costs: Homeownership can provide a sense of stability as your monthly mortgage payment is typically fixed, unlike rental prices which can fluctuate.

2. Building equity: As you make payments on your mortgage over time, you build equity in your home, which can increase your net worth.

3. Investment potential: Depending on market conditions, homeownership can be a sound investment that may appreciate over time.

4. Pride of ownership: Owning a home can provide a sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with making a significant investment in your future.

5. Community involvement: Homeownership may encourage community involvement and a sense of belonging to your local community.

6. Tax benefits: Homeowners may be eligible for certain tax deductions, such as mortgage interest and property taxes.

It's important to note that the benefits of homeownership can vary depending on individual circumstances, and there may be additional costs and responsibilities associated with owning a home.