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100th Meridian

Cozad is a small city with a population of just over 5,000, located in Dawson County, Nebraska. It is a great place to live, with a close-knit community and friendly people. The cost of living is lower than the state average, making it an attractive and affordable city to call home. Additionally, the area offers plenty of outdoor activities that make for great weekend trips, such as camping, fishing, and hiking. Unfortunately, Cozad does not have much in the way of public transportation or entertainment options. The nearest large city is approximately two hours away, making it difficult to access these amenities without a car or other form of reliable transportation.

Carrie Rickertsen
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I would LOVE to help welcome you home!
I acquired my pilots license before I could drive a car! So challenge has never been an issue for me. I am originally from ... see full details and contact information for Carrie ... the emotions involved in saying goodbye to a current home as well.
This realtor has 24 recent and active property listings that range in price from $49,900 to $279,800.
Serving the areas of Cozad, Brady, Maxwell, Farnam, Gothenburg, North Platte & Curtis
Koby Rickertsen
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Life is good and I absolutely LOVE what I do!
Buying and selling any sort of property is an big deal but buying or selling land is beyond next level. Hi, Im Koby ... see full details and contact information for Koby ... forward to serving landowners with their most valuable asset on earth.
Koby has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $34,900 to $650,000.
Serving the areas of Overton, Sutherland, Lyman, McGrew, Sumner, Scottsbluff, Moorefield, Alda & Brady
Read the reviews for Koby Rickertsen
Taunya Chytka
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Born and raised near Valentine, Nebraska. Growing up on a sandhills ranch instilled a solid work ethic and a set of morals ... see full details and contact information for Taunya ... "I would be honored to help you through the buying or selling process."
Taunya has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $129,500 to $324,900.
Serving the areas of Gothenburg, Overton, North Platte, Elm Creek, Lexington, Elwood, Kearney, Eustis & Willow Island
Spencer Evers
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Exp Realty Llc

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This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-10 for $500,000.
Serving the areas of Lindsay, Friend, Clarks, Doniphan, Ames, Elmwood, Wellfleet, Wilber, Johnson & Hallam
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Here are some potential pros and cons of purchasing real estate in Cozad, Nebraska:

- Affordability: Cozad has a relatively low cost of living compared to other parts of the country, which can make real estate more affordable.
- Small town feel: If you enjoy the slower pace and tight-knit community of a small town, Cozad may be a good fit for you.
- Location: As a central location in Nebraska, Cozad offers convenient access to many other parts of the Midwest region.

- Limited job opportunities: As a small town, Cozad may have limited job opportunities depending on your field of work.
- Limited amenities: Similarly, as a small town, Cozad may have fewer amenities like restaurants, entertainment options, and shopping centers compared to larger cities.
- Weather: Nebraska is known for its extreme weather, with hot summers and cold winters, so be sure to factor in potential weather challenges when considering purchasing real estate in Cozad.

It's important to note that every individual's situation and priorities will differ, so what may be a pro or con for one person may not be the same for another. It's a good idea to do further research and consider your own needs before making a decision about real estate in Cozad or any other location.