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Deer Capital of Nebraska

Forrest Hickman
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After growing up on a ranch in the sandhills, I graduated highschool and immediately joined the US Army. I served proudly ... see full details and contact information for Forrest ... chasing them with all of their activities is one of my favorite hobbies.
This realtor has 12 recent and active property listings that range in price from $58,000 to $263,000.
Serving the areas of Mitchell, Alliance, Gering, Sidney, Lyman, Morrill, Crawford, Scottsbluff & Kimball
Cinda Munoz
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Saving you Time and Money
Masters and Undergraduate degree in Real Estate/Finance/Construction Mgt. from University of Denver, 6 years experience in ... see full details and contact information for Cinda ... family owned business. Specialize in helping my client's dreams come true!
Cinda has 10 recent and active property listings that range in price from $29,950 to $305,000.
Serving the areas of Broadwater, Lewellen, Oshkosh, Mitchell, Gurley, Dalton, Lisco, Chappell, Lyman & Bingham
Krystal Holten
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Krystal has 1 active or recent property listings for $325,000.
Serving the areas of Mitchell, Chappell, Chadron, Melbeta, Crawford, Scottsbluff, Lyman, Alliance, Minatare & Morrill
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Here are some potential pros and cons of buying property in the village of Crawford, Nebraska:

- Affordable prices: According to Zillow, the median home value in Crawford is $69,400, which is significantly lower than the national median of $266,104 (as of June 2021).
- Rural living: If you enjoy living in a more remote area with access to outdoor recreation opportunities such as hiking, camping, and hunting, Crawford could be a good fit.
- Small-town community: Crawford has a population of just over 1,000 people, which could be appealing if you value a tight-knit community.

- Limited amenities: Crawford is a very small town, so it may not have all of the amenities that you're used to. For example, there may be limited shopping and dining options.
- Distance to larger cities: Crawford is quite far from larger cities. The nearest city of significant size is Rapid City, South Dakota, which is about an hour and a half away by car.
- Potential for extreme weather: Nebraska is known for its volatile weather patterns, including storms, floods, and tornadoes. Crawford could be more susceptible to these types of natural disasters given its location.

It's important to note that these are just a few potential pros and cons, and everyone's experience will be different. Before making any real estate decisions, it's important to do your own research and weigh your personal priorities and preferences. Additionally, it may be helpful to talk to a local real estate agent or other professionals who can provide more detailed information about the Crawford area.