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Passionate * Proven * Prosperous

Great Things:
1. Falls City is located in a beautiful rural setting, with plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. The nearby Missouri River and its tributaries provide excellent fishing opportunities, while the nearby Winnebago Lake offers boating and swimming.

2. There is an abundance of cultural activities in Falls City, including an annual music festival, art fairs, and theatrical performances. The city also boasts a variety of local restaurants, antique shops, and boutiques.

3. Residents of Falls City enjoy a low cost of living and a strong sense of community. The city is served by several excellent schools, as well as a local hospital and library.

Unappealing Thing:
The city has limited public transportation options, making it difficult for those without their own vehicle to get around town.

Doug Waller
Agent Photo

Miller Monroe Co Inc.

Doug has 22 recent and active property listings that range in price from $34,000 to $750,000.
Serving the areas of Shubert, Auburn, Verdon, Brownville, Humboldt, Rulo, Stella, Falls City & Salem
Read the reviews for Doug Waller
Ted Bernard
Agent Photo


Office address:
1004 14th Street
Auburn, NE

Ted has 4 recent and active property listings that range in price from $128,000 to $245,000 with the most recent sale on 2024-01-20 for $540,000.
Serving the areas of Murdock, Plattsmouth, Verdon, Bennet, Union, Brock, Humboldt, Weeping Water, Falls City & Talmage
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Official State Seal

Here are a few benefits of home ownership in Falls City, Nebraska:

1. Stable Housing Costs: By owning a home, you can take advantage of fixed mortgage payments, making budgeting and planning for your future much easier to manage.

2. Building Equity: Instead of throwing money away on rent, you are building equity in your property through mortgage payments. This equity can be utilized in the future by selling the property or taking out a home equity loan.

3. Tax Benefits: Homeowners can claim tax deductions for mortgage interest payments, property taxes, and some home improvement costs, potentially saving them thousands of dollars each year.

4. Increased Privacy: Owning a home provides a higher level of privacy than renting, as you have control over the property and can customize it to your preference.

5. Sense of Community: Homeownership often provides a greater sense of community involvement and investment in the local area, including schools, parks, and community events.