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Pony Express Capital of Nebraska

Team Splitt & Elliott
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Coldwell Banker Preferred Group

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This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Wallace, Maywood, Maxwell, Tryon, Gothenburg, Arnold, Hershey, Brady, Sutherland & Curtis
Taylor Salas
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Taylor hit the ground running when she began real estate career in 2017. Working alongside one of the top ranked Realtors in ... see full details and contact information for Taylor ... wish I had gotten into real estate sooner; I truly love what I do!"
This realtor has 1 active or recent property listings for $100,000 with the most recent sale on 2022-10-14 for $280,000.
Serving the areas of Arnold, Ogallala, Cozad, North Platte, McCook, Gothenburg, Lexington, Hershey & Paxton
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there are several potential benefits to buying property in Gothenburg, Nebraska:

1. Affordability: Compared to many cities and towns across America, Gothenburg offers great value for the money. The cost of living is generally lower than that in larger, more urban areas.

2. Strong economy: The town has a diverse economy and some major industries, such as agriculture and healthcare, that help support its local businesses and provide job opportunities.

3. Quality of life: Gothenburg offers a great quality of life, with good schools, low crime rates, plenty of recreational opportunities, and a tight-knit community.

4. Accessibility: As a small town, Gothenburg is easy to navigate and offers a slower pace of life. However, it is still accessible to larger cities like Omaha, Lincoln, and Denver.

5. Real estate options: There are various types of real estate options available in Gothenburg, including single-family homes, apartments, and commercial properties, which can accommodate different budgets and preferences.