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Kevin Perry Wy Ne
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Growing up in Montana taught me to work hard and serve people.
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Serving the areas of Kimball, Saddlestring, Alliance, Casper, Douglas, Worland, Lander, Buffalo, Cheyenne & Ogallala
Kiara Weeks
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Its not just a house, its a home.
When you work with me, you will receive a knowledgeable and professional real estate agent, a committed ally to negotiate on ... see full details and contact information for Kiara ... your home and the backing of a trusted company, Keller Williams Realty.
This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Scottsbluff & Kimball
Tori Smith
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I would love to earn your trust!
Home Team Realty

Office address:
1208 Ave I
Scottsbluff, NE

Smithtori has 0 active or recent property listings for $0.
Serving the areas of Mitchell, Harrisburg, Gering, Minatare, Sidney, Alliance, Bayard, Kimball, Scottsbluff & Bridgeport
Kathy Birch
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Service is what we sell

Office address:
3305 N. 10th Street
Gering, NE

Kathy has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $199,900 to $247,800.
Serving the areas of Bayard, Minatare, Morrill, Torrington, Mitchell, Kimball, Scottsbluff, Lyman & Gering
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Kimball, Nebraska is a small village with a population of approximately 2,500 people. Like any real estate investment, there are advantages and disadvantages to buying property in Kimball. Here are a few:

- Lower cost of living: Compared to larger cities, Kimball has a lower cost of living which can make owning a home more affordable for you.
- Peaceful living: If you prefer living away from the hustle and bustle of a busy city, Kimball may offer a peaceful and quiet living environment.
- Nature and wildlife: Kimball is located in the Nebraska panhandle which offers unique opportunities for outdoor activities and wildlife watching.
- Community atmosphere: The small size of Kimball means that everyone is very tight-knit and supportive of each other, which can lead to a great sense of community.

- Limited job opportunities: As a small village, there may be fewer job opportunities available, which could affect your employment and financial stability.
- Limited amenities and services: Kimball has a limited selection of restaurants, stores, and entertainment options which might not be suitable for everyone.
- Harsh weather: Kimball is located in a region with a harsh climate, with very hot summers and very cold winters, which may not be appealing to everyone.
- Distance from larger cities: Kimball is located quite far from larger cities, which can make it inconvenient for certain activities or services.

Overall, it's important to consider your individual lifestyle preferences and financial situation before making a decision to invest in property in Kimball, Nebraska.