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Established 1884

Spencer Evers
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Exp Realty Llc

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This realtor has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2023-11-10 for $500,000.
Serving the areas of Arnold, Stanton, Exeter, Page, Holbrook, Cambridge, Pickrell, Alexandria, Alma & Stella
Kevin Prinz
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Gateway Realty Of Fremont Inc

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Kevin has 0 active or recent property listings for $0 with the most recent sale on 2022-09-01 for $365,000.
Serving the areas of Cedar Bluffs, Arlington, Hooper, Oakland, Fremont, Wisner, Scribner, Bennington & Beemer
Emily Marquis
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Serving the areas of Blair, Beemer, Wisner, Boys Town, Cedar Bluffs, Hooper, Arlington, Fremont & Wahoo
Brent Mccall
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A Family Tradition Since 1935
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This realtor has 13 recent and active property listings that range in price from $39,900 to $530,000 with the most recent sale on 2023-09-28 for $268,000.
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Here are some potential pros and cons of buying property in Lyons, Nebraska:

- Rural lifestyle: Lyons is a small village located in a rural area, which can provide a slower pace of life and a connection to nature.
- Lower cost of living: In general, rural areas tend to have a lower cost of living compared to urban or suburban areas.
- Quiet living: If you prefer a quiet living environment without a lot of noise or distractions, Lyons could be a good option.
- Potential for price appreciation: If Lyons experiences population growth or economic development in the future, property values could appreciate.

- Limited job opportunities: Small rural areas often have limited job opportunities, so finding work may prove challenging.
- Limited amenities: Lyons is a small village, so there may be limited amenities available nearby, which could impact quality of life.
- Commuting distance: If you work in a larger city, Lyons may be too far away to commute from on a daily basis, adding to transportation costs.
- Extreme weather: Nebraska is known for experiencing extreme weather conditions, including tornadoes, thunderstorms, snowstorms and more, which can be a potential risk.

It is worth conducting due diligence, researching the property and the area in detail before making a decision on whether to buy property in Lyons, Nebraska.