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1. Home ownership in Ord provides a strong sense of community and belonging.
2. Ord is a safe and secure city to own a home in, with low crime rates and excellent public safety services.

1. The cost of living in Ord is higher than the national average, making it difficult for some people to afford purchasing a home.

Koby Rickertsen
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Life is good and I absolutely LOVE what I do!
Buying and selling any sort of property is an big deal but buying or selling land is beyond next level. Hi, Im Koby ... see full details and contact information for Koby ... forward to serving landowners with their most valuable asset on earth.
Koby has 5 recent and active property listings that range in price from $34,900 to $650,000.
Serving the areas of Sumner, Sutherland, Hershey, Eustis, Minatare, Maywood, Dickens, Gothenburg, Stockville & Arnold
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Pam Gibbs
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Office address:
4503 2nd Avenue
Kearney, NE

Pam has 3 recent and active property listings that range in price from $20,000 to $202,500.
Serving the areas of Wilcox, Hazard, Ansley, Gibbon, Kearney, Riverdale, Elm Creek, Funk, Holdrege & Sumner
Natalie Martinez
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Changing Lives - Getting You HOME
As the 2024 REALTORS of Greater Mid-Nebraska President, the 2024 Nebraska REALTORS Association Chair of the Professional ... see full details and contact information for Natalie ... YOUR SUCCESS. When you win, we all win. Let us go to work for you.
This realtor has 2 recent and active property listings that range in price from $215,000 to $265,000.
Serving the areas of Smithfield, Miller, Lexington, Eddyville, Holdrege, Cozad, Amherst, Overton & Gothenburg
Read the reviews for Natalie Martinez
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There are several advantages to home ownership in the village of Ord, Nebraska. One advantage is that the cost of living in Ord is generally lower than in larger cities, which can make it more affordable to own a home there. Additionally, Ord is a small, tight-knit community, so homeowners may enjoy a strong sense of community and a slower pace of life. Finally, Ord is located in the beautiful sandhills region of Nebraska, which means homeowners can enjoy access to natural beauty and outdoor activities.

There are also a few potential disadvantages to consider. One is that Ord is a small community, so people who prefer a more urban lifestyle may not find what they are looking for there. Additionally, because Ord is located in a rural area, homeowners may need to travel farther for work, shopping, and entertainment. Finally, the real estate market in Ord may be relatively limited, which could make it harder to find the perfect home or investment property.