USDA Eligible Active Listings Near
City Image
, Nebraska in Stanton County

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Red areas indicate USDA defined loan exclusion zones.
City Seal
11 active listings near Stanton
👍 USDA, * Price Change, * New, * Sale Pending
$364,900   👍 56869 840 Rd
$359,900   👍 1108 Locust St
$249,900   👍 806 Jackpine St
$226,000   👍* 1307 Ivy St
$205,000   👍* 807 12th St
$175,000   👍 1007 11th Ave
$165,000   👍 905 16th St
$155,000   👍 606 Fir St
$155,000   👍 606 Fir St
$149,900   👍 1307 10th St

Interested in fun facts and the history of Stanton, NE?
Then read on!

Stanton is a small village located in Stanton County, Nebraska with a population of approximately 1,600 people. It is situated in the eastern part of the state near the Elkhorn River and is known for its quiet and peaceful rural setting. The village is home to the Stanton County Fair, which is a popular event that includes agricultural exhibits, livestock competitions, and carnival rides. Additionally, the area is known for its hunting and fishing opportunities, with several nearby lakes and wildlife areas. Stanton's economy is primarily driven by agriculture, with corn, soybeans, and wheat being the main crops grown in the area.