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Small Town. Big Adventure.

The city of Valentine, located in Cherry County, Nebraska, has many positive aspects to daily life. One of the nice aspects of living in Valentine is the close-knit community. Residents enjoy numerous activities such as the weekly farmer's market, community potlucks, and small business events. Everyone in the town seems to look out for one another and create a safe environment for all. Additionally, Valentine is surrounded by natural beauty with its nearby lakes and parks, making it a great place to go for outdoor activities with friends and family.

However, there can be some negatives to living in Valentine. One downside to daily life in Valentine is the lack of activities for teenagers. While there are some shops and restaurants, there aren't many places for teens to spend their free time. This can make it difficult for teenagers to find entertaining things to do in town.

Koby Rickertsen
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Life is good and I absolutely LOVE what I do!
Buying and selling any sort of property is an big deal but buying or selling land is beyond next level. Hi, Im Koby ... see full details and contact information for Koby ... forward to serving landowners with their most valuable asset on earth.
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Serving the areas of Gering, Brady, Wellfleet, Stockville, Lyman, Moorefield, Callaway, Morrill, Mitchell & Arnold
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Stacey Stracke
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Our mission is to make your real estate experience rewarding.
Stracke Land & Realty is a full-service professional real estate company. Our goal is to make your real estate experience ... see full details and contact information for Stacey ... hesitate to reach out so we may assist you in your real estate journey.
This realtor has 9 recent and active property listings that range in price from $11,500 to $650,000.
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Spencer Evers
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Exp Realty Llc

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Valentine is a small village located in Cherry County, Nebraska. Some of the advantages of purchasing real estate in Valentine include:

1. Affordable cost of living: The cost of living in Valentine is lower than the national average, making it an affordable place to live.

2. Outdoor recreational opportunities: Valentine is located in close proximity to several outdoor recreational opportunities such as fishing, hunting, hiking, and camping.

3. Strong community: The village of Valentine has a close-knit and supportive community, which can be a major draw for people who value social connections.

Some of the disadvantages of purchasing real estate in Valentine include:

1. Limited employment opportunities: Due to its rural location, Valentine may have limited employment opportunities, which can be especially challenging for those looking for high-paying jobs.

2. Harsh weather conditions: Nebraska is known for its harsh winter weather conditions, which can be a challenge for those who are not used to extreme cold.

3. Distance from urban centers: Valentine is located far from major urban centers, which can make it difficult to access certain services or amenities that may be more readily available in more densely populated areas.

Overall, buying real estate in Valentine, Nebraska represents a great opportunity for you to enjoy an affordable and peaceful lifestyle, but you need to consider the potential drawbacks before making a decision.