Find USDA Eligible Properties in Grant County

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Looking to buy in Grant County, Nebraska?

There are 1 USDA backed residential loans in Grant county with an average loan balance of $82,800. Over 100% of the loans helped first time home buyers. Borrowers were an average age of 34 years old. The typical appraised home value was around $86,500. On average the rural home size purchased with this loan was approximately 2,350 SqFt. Grant county applies the standard USDA income limits to determine loan eligibility. For a household of upto 4 people the income limit is $90,300. For a household of between 5 and 8 people the income limit is increased to $119,200.

The size of Grant County is roughly 2,025 square kilometers. There are no geographical USDA loan restrictions in this county. The influence score for Grant County is 9. Look below for the interactive county level map illustration below for more details.

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* cities most likely to have USDA loan eligible properties for sale.

Ashby   •   Duluth   •   *Hyannis   •   Whitman

A USDA loan is a mortgage option available to eligible homebuyers that is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture to promote homeownership in rural communities. USDA Loans, sometimes called "RD Loans," offer 100% financing options on eligible rural properties. USDAProperties can help you find USDA properties in Grant County.

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Grant County, Nebraska
USDA Boundary Details

Grant County is a small, scenic county located in the southwestern part of the great state of Nebraska. Established on February 12, 1887, it was named in honor of the U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, who served as the 18th President of the United States from 1869 to 1877. The county seat is the village of Hyannis, which was founded in the same year as the county's establishment.

The history of Grant County began with Native Americans, primarily the Sioux tribe, who originally resided in the region. As European settlers began to arrive in the mid-19th century, they discovered vast expanses of fertile land suitable for agriculture and grazing. Consequently, the initial growth of Grant County was centered around the agricultural industry, specifically in raising livestock and crop farming.

In the early days, Grant County faced challenges due to its remote location, lack of railroads, and limited infrastructure. However, over the years, the county gradually developed into a thriving agricultural community with modern amenities and infrastructure.

A fun fact about Grant County is that it is home to the Nebraska National Forest's Bessey Ranger District, which features the world's largest hand-planted forest. The forest, also known as the Charles E. Bessey Tree Nursery, was established in the early 20th century by Charles E. Bessey, a pioneering botanist and horticulturist. The forest contains more than 20,000 acres of trees and provides various recreational activities, such as hiking, camping, and wildlife observation.

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Whitman Ashby
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