Find USDA Eligible Properties in Hayes County

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Looking to buy in Hayes County, Nebraska?

There are 3 USDA backed residential loans in Hayes county with an average loan balance of $43,374. Over 100% of the loans helped first time home buyers. Borrowers were an average age of 43 years old. The typical appraised home value was around $48,666. On average the rural home size purchased with this loan was approximately 1,825 SqFt. Hayes county applies the standard USDA income limits to determine loan eligibility. For a household of upto 4 people the income limit is $90,300. For a household of between 5 and 8 people the income limit is increased to $119,200.

The size of Hayes County is roughly 1,848 square kilometers. There are no geographical USDA loan restrictions in this county. The influence score for Hayes County is 9. Look below for the interactive county level map illustration below for more details.

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* cities most likely to have USDA loan eligible properties for sale.

*Hamlet   •   *Hayes Center   •   Marengo

A USDA loan is a mortgage option available to eligible homebuyers that is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture to promote homeownership in rural communities. USDA Loans, sometimes called "RD Loans," offer 100% financing options on eligible rural properties. USDAProperties can help you find USDA properties in Hayes County.

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Hayes County, Nebraska
USDA Boundary Details

Hayes County, located in the great state of Nebraska, was officially established on February 19, 1877. The county was named in honor of the 19th President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes, who was in office at the time of the county's creation. The county spans an area of 713 square miles and is situated in the southwestern region of the state. The official county seat is Hayes Center.

The development of Hayes County was largely influenced by the influx of settlers brought about by the Homestead Act of 1862. These early settlers were mostly ranchers and farmers influenced by the availability of land through the government's land program. Ranching and farming continued to be the primary economic activities for the residents of the county for many years.

One fun fact about Hayes County is that it's home to some fascinating geological formations, especially in two areas known as "Mitten Rock" and "Hayes Canyon". Mitten Rock is comprised of sedimentary rocks from the Late Eocene period, featuring a unique double arch resembling a large hand with two thumbs. Hayes Canyon is another popular attraction in the area, offering a scenic spot for hiking and outdoor activities surrounded by distinctive sandstone cliffs and natural beauty.

Featured Cities of Nebraska
Marengo Hamlet
Featured Properties from USDA Loan Eligible Regions of Hayes County
35943 Road 737
Hayes Center, NE

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